We cannot speak of the state of things before the flood as a dispensation. Yes, and I find a self-denying, Christ-exalting faith to be good in times of jubilation and success. Well, I am sorry. To man this is the hardest of all obedience; but when once secured, it leads peacefully into the obedience of every day. Time was when none of the English, nor French, nor of any other nation believed in the Saviour. I hope that brethren in Christ will bear with me if I press on them the importance of taking good heed to it that their souls are thoroughly grounded in this, the proper place of the Christian by Christ's death and resurrection. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 10:12-17 There is not one God to the Jews, more kind, and another to the Gentiles, who is less kind; the Lord is a Father to all men. This might seem an exaggeration: the gospel had not been carried throughout all the earth, not even to all the lands that were known to the inhabitants of the Graeco-Roman world. (324) For the purpose of removing the impediments of faith, he has hitherto spoken negatively: but now in order to show the way of obtaining righteousness, he adopts an affirmative mode of speaking. "He resisted," says the writer, "even to the agonies of death, for the law's sake.". The facts were so well known by the preaching of the apostles, that they might be said to be in every mans mouth.. It was not merely, that he had better light. First, he cites Isaiah 28:16: "Every one who believes in him will not be put to shame." "If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by [or because of] his Spirit that dwelleth in you.". Hast thou not heard the tale? But the righteousness which is of faith speaks like this, Don't say in your heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? And she takes advantage of it and gives me a bad time, because she is totally independent when it comes to Grandpa.She loves to play her little independent games. Ah, then the heart foolishly cries, "I must know a great deal; as much as if I had been to heaven and seen for myself, or as if I had dived into the depths and made discoveries there." The "word of faith" is the message of justification by the system of "faith" as opposed to the Law. Nothing of this is intended in the class that is here brought before us. But now, to meet the question that was raised, they pleaded the distinguishing promises to Israel. This is a clear statement. "This wail of despair takes many forms: one man puts it thus: "What doings can I perform by which I can be saved? Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. No, he directed the comfort to his dear wife, for she had greater need of it than he had his faith was firm. Now, soul, thou hast nothing to do with asking vain questions; thou hast to accept the result of the Savior's actual performances. Jewish pretensions were therefore disposed of; not here by new and fuller revelations, but by this divinely skilful employment of their own Old Testament Scriptures. (1.) (325) The contrast, by which the difference between the law and the gospel appears, is indeed to be understood: and from this distinction we learn, that as the law demands works, so the gospel requires nothing else, but that men bring faith to receive the grace of God. Fair-weather sailors, who go out in their little painted perfection boats, are people who have had small temptation and little soul-trouble. It is true that Christ was in the grave, and it is as true that he is now in heaven; but we need not perplex and puzzle ourselves with fancied difficulties, nor must we create to ourselves such gross and carnal ideas of these things as if the method of salvation were impracticable, and the design of the revelation were only to amuse us. Up also his body rose on the light of the third day; and he sojourned for forty days among his disciples. This knowledge was readily available and known to all. So I believe it. He would not therefore have them ignorant how they had lain on his heart for a visit (ver. 47. The words, which we preach, are added, that no one might have the suspicion that Paul differed from Moses; for he testifies, that in the ministration of the gospel there was complete consent between him and Moses; inasmuch as even Moses placed our felicity in nothing else but in the gratuitous promise of divine favor. That it is not at all hard or difficult. What a title, then, God gives me now in beholding Christ, no longer dead but risen, to have it settled before my soul that I am in Him as He now is, where all questions are closed in peace and joy! This it was before it was his prayer. Charity teaches us to have the best opinion of persons, and to put the best construction upon words and actions, that they will bear. So Paul's first answer is: "You cannot say there was no messenger; Isaiah describes these very messengers; and Isaiah lived long ago.". Not in our descending, but in Christ's descending our hope is to be found. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets" (verses 20, 21). This makes them more accountable for their rejection of the good news. But, suppose I still say: "Can it be that they have not heard?" The meaning is, that the doctrine was already so familiar, and so well understood, that it was actually in their mouth, that is, their language, their common conversation. Moses is saying that God's law is not inaccessible and impossible; it is there in a man's mouth and life and heart. What could be conceived closer or more even than this? But interesting question, how can they call upon the name of the Lord? That there is none righteous, none that doeth good, none that understandeth. The information in this verse is a rather loose quotation from Deuteronomy 30:12-14 (it would be best to read these verses). Two things are required as conditions of salvation:-- (a.) May God bless you and may God work in your life this week in a very special way. Inductive Bible study on Romans chapter 10. The subserviency of the law to the gospel (Romans 10:4; Romans 10:4): Christ is the end of the law for righteousness. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart "that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. No; clear, straight, cutting like a sharp razor, he puts before us the single sentence, "He that doeth those things shall live by them.". Some wonder why Paul didnt mention the crucifixion in this passage. g. All who call upon Him: Again, note the emphasis on human responsibility. Moses does not allow any person to dream that under the law he can be saved in any other way than by perfect obedience thereto. Christ has already done that and has returned gloriously by His resurrection from the dead. Now the doctrine which we saw asserted in the latter part ofRomans 5:1-21; Romans 5:1-21 is applied to both. It is an appeal to listen to the prophets who long ago declared that faith is the only way to God, and that that way is open to every man. He believed God and His word, with special approval on God's part; and his faith was counted as righteousness (ver. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved: We do not gain Gods righteousness by works. Have not submitted. Calling for mischief or injury to fall upon a person. The answer is, that this will not do one whit better; for when we come down to the next generation, it is apparent that the two sons of Isaac were sons of the same mother; nay, they were twins. (324) The righteousness of faith is evidently the it in this question: See Romans 10:6. They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God, that is, they have not yielded to gospel-terms, nor accepted the tender of justification by faith in Christ, which is made in the gospel. A soul may as truly, no doubt, be put into relationship with God be made very happy, it may be; but it is not what Scripture calls "peace with God." Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. In his final sermon, Moses made some other points. Jesus has come down: years ago be left the glories of his Father. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach): a. Christ is the end of the law: Jesus is the end of the law for those who believe. Just say it, "Jesus is my Lord," and believe in your heart that God did raise Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. The bearing of this on the contents and main doctrine of the epistle will appear abundantly by-and-by. Christ is nigh thee, for the word is nigh thee: nigh thee indeed: it is in thy mouth, and in thy heart; there is no difficulty in understanding, believing, and owning it. Therefore I cast about me, and I considered what subject he would wish me to preach from if he were sitting behind me this morning as he was last Lord's-day. Take his counsel. The conies are a feeble folk, yet have they their habitations among the rocks: they are safe, but they keep to their hiding place. But there is more than this in Romans 4:1-25 He takes up a third feature of Abraham's case; that is, the connection of the promise with resurrection. God has given us His word. Your father is not offering sacrifices. It is our duty that we must not, it is our privilege that we shall not, be ashamed of our faith in Christ. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man," etc. If it was the Lord's will that I should die in the street at this moment, I would cheerfully go." What is that righteousness which is of faith, Romans 10:6; Romans 10:6, c. This he describes in the words of Moses, in Deuteronomy, in the second law (so Deuteronomy signifies), where there was a much clearer revelation of Christ and the gospel than there was in the first giving of the law: he quotes it from Deuteronomy 30:11-14, and shows. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Does this sort of faith enable men to face death with courage? The law is not compelled to lower its terms, as though it had originally asked too much; it is holy and just and good, and ought not to be altered in one jot or tittle, nor can it be. The Scripture; so some copies, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic version read, "what saith the Scripture?" Then he enlarges, and points out that there is a remnant of grace in the worst of times. Beneath it there runs the conviction that there are certain kinds of ignorance which are inexcusable. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but can know the eternal life of God and the glory of God's eternal kingdom and can share as children of God, heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, kings and priests in that glorious age that is coming. Secondly, We need not go to the deep, to fetch Christ out of the grave, or from the state of the dead: Into the deep, to bring up Christ from the dead. A great present-day preacher called preaching "pleading with men." 17 So then [ therefore] The words "so then" indicate the consequence of those who believe the message. (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SDA Bible Commentary Set Vols. A good wish (Romans 10:1; Romans 10:1), a wish that they might be saved--saved from the temporal ruin and destruction that were coming upon them--saved from the wrath to come, eternal wrath, which was hanging over their heads. Isaiah was very bold, and he said, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that ask not after me. At the same time he connects, in a singularly interesting manner, this disclosure of the principles of the eternal judgment of God with what he calls "my gospel." The 14th verse in Deuteronomy 30:1-20 completes the thought by saying that the Jews could do what God wanted them to do - that thou mayest do it. Let it not be! In true faith, there is need of a great deal of submission; therefore the first lesson Christ teaches is to deny ourselves. This phrase, , "the word of faith", may be seen in the Jewish writings z; and this shows what word is here meant, even the Gospel so called, because it contains doctrines which are to be believed upon the testimony of God, and particularly the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ received by faith; and because it proposes Christ as the object of faith, and encourages souls to believe in him for life and salvation; and is also the means of begetting and implanting faith in the heart, and without it the preaching of it is of no avail: and it is further described by the ministration of it. This Good News is readily available to anyone who will receive it freely from God through Christ. Experience says, and we are some of us here to say it, that it is the grandest way of living in the world. And thus, I have great difficulty with their present and current status before God. Do some great brave wonderful marvelous thing. Romans 13:1-14; Romans 13:1-14 urges their duties towards what was outside them, more particularly to the powers that be, but also to men in general. In Romans 14:1-23 and the beginning ofRomans 15:1-33; Romans 15:1-33 we have the delicate theme of Christian forbearance in its limits and largeness. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge ( Romans 10:1-2 ). First, We need not go to heaven, to search the records there, or to enquire into the secrets of the divine counsel. a. The extent is what God Himself, so to speak, possesses the universe of God, whatever will be under Christ: and what will not? It is for the lost, therefore; for they it is who need salvation; and it is to save not merely to quicken, but to save; and this because in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. Accordingly Romans 8:1-39 pursues in the most practical manner the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. Did not I show you just now that when Moses spoke he did not mystify the matter, but put it plainly, "The man that doeth those things shall live by them." Now, our flesh likes the complications, because I would like to take some credit and receive some glory for salvation. But "justification of life" goes farther, though involved in the latter, than the end of Romans 4:1-25; for now we learn that in the gospel there is not only a dealing with the guilt of those that are addressed in it; there is also a mighty work of God in the presenting the man in a new place before God, and in fact, too, for his faith, clearing him from all the consequences in which he finds himself as a man in the flesh here below. For He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but by me" ( John 14:6 ). Even the word of faith; the gospel and the promise of it, called the word of faith because it is the object of faith about which it is conversant, the word which we believe;--because it is the precept of faith, commanding it, and making it the great condition of justification;--and because it is the ordinary means by which faith is wrought and conveyed. Would we follow up the heights of heavenly truth, would we sound the depths of Christian experience, would we survey the workings of the Spirit of God in the Church, would we bow before the glories of the person of Christ, or learn His manifold offices, we must look elsewhere in the writings of the New Testament no doubt, but elsewhere rather than here. Nevertheless the apostle does not expressly mention heaven here. The doing supposed must be perfect and sinless, without the least breach or violation. His witness to our spirit is this, that we are children of God. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. Paul was entirely ready to admit that the Jews were zealous for God; but he also saw that their zeal was a misdirected thing. Because of Jesus Christ, man is no longer faced with the task of satisfying God's justice; he need only accept his love. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. You see how simple God has made it? As I was walking out of the room God said, "I didn't ask you to reconcile it; I only asked you to believe it." This same term occurs again in verses 14 and 15. "The word is near you. (That is, to bring Christ up from the dead.) But why talk I so? Their sins had been passed by. Then, fourthly, we will hear what experience saith; for we may bring in the experience of believers to back up the declarations of God. He fell and a soldier kicked him. But the righteousness which stems from faith speaks like this--"Do not say in your heart, 'Who shall go up into heaven?' "What do you mean? The appeal to their own inspired account of Abraham turned into a proof of the consistency of God's ways in justifying by faith, and hence in justifying the uncircumcised no less than the circumcision. That is, it is the power of God unto salvation, not because it is victory (which at the beginning of the soul's career would only give importance to man even if possible, which it is not), but because it is "the righteousness of God." For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. They could not with Paul disclaim a dependence upon this (Philippians 3:9), Not having my own righteousness. by all that remains of the ancient world. As Moses explains in v. 11, "What I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." (14-15) The necessity of the preaching of the gospel. He had this, of course, in a revelation that was from God; he had law; he had prophets; he had divine institutions. The meaning is not what was executed on Christ, but what is in virtue. b. The law is written in the ten commandments; you know them; and if you desire to live by them you must keep them. 18). For they're ignorant of God's righteousness and they are going about to establish their own righteousness.I had a Jewish fellow one night as we were talking say to me, "Well, Chuck, my father is a very religious man. For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. Was it possible to limit this to Israel? 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. d. Glad tidings of good things: Obviously, the salvation Isaiah prophesied about could not be salvation through works or the law. (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? You know what Cardinal Bellarmine said: he was a great antagonist of Luther, and thought that we might trust in our works; but, looking it all over, he admitted that inasmuch as no man could be quite sure that he had done enough good works, it was perhaps best on the whole and safest to trust altogether to the blood and merits of Jesus Christ. What were the principles of it? Nothing shows better the Jewish attitude than the three classes into which they divided mankind. Have done with doings, and feelings, and trust yourself with Christ. In the same way the apostle disposes of all pretence on the score of ordinances, especially circumcision. Of these only a remnant would be saved. What have you to say to that?" We have the tenour of it, Romans 10:9; Romans 10:10, the sum of the gospel, which is plain and easy enough. In such a condition what has been found in Jesus is too often misused to make a kind of difference, so to speak, between the Saviour on the one hand, and God on the other ruinous always to the enjoyment of the full blessing of the gospel. It is such milk for babes that I have known people refuse such plain truth because they were not willing to be treated like little children. Truly they had a zeal for the law. The word of faith is to be taken for the word of promise, that is, for the gospel itself, because it bears a relation to faith. Talk not thus. Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Harga saham emiten migas Grup Bakrie PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG) dan emiten milik taipan Prajogo Pangestu PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) kompak menjadi top losers hingga penutupan sesi I, Rabu (1/3/2023). Jesus in the garden prayed, "Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me." Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. To question the need for bringing someone from the deep was a denial of Jesus resurrection (CBL, Romans, p. 163). Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. No man that rested in Christ, and Christ alone, ever was ashamed of his hope; and none ever shall be. The apostle allows this privilege to be great, specially in having the Scriptures, but turns the argument against the boasters. yet, that is might be the more effectual to drive people to Christ and to make the covenant of grace welcome, it had a very great mixture of the strictness and terror of the covenant of works. Now it is interesting that this follows Paul's declaration about how God will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy and harden those whom He will harden. There is nothing about law there; it is all based on faith. God has condemned the flesh. If you were to descend there, what would you do without him whom God has anointed to save? All the while God is wanting the Jews to come elbowing, which is a trait for them anyhow, to come on in and get close.Moses said, "I will provoke you to jealousy by them that were not my people. There could be but one satisfactory answer. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? "Not so," replies the apostle. God is not far from each one of us (Acts 17:27) because His will is right at our fingertips. Christ is come down from heaven; we need not go to fetch him. To those that were under it, to be sure. There was no part of heathenism practically viewed now, so corrupting as that which had to do with the objects of its worship. You, up there in the gallery, however guilty you may have been, or however moral you may have been, it matters not, if your one hope is in what Christ has done, you shall never turn round on your dying bed, and cry, "I made a mistake in trusting Christ." The gospel at its height in no wise weakens but maintains the moral manifestation of what God is. 11, 12). Or, being ignorant of God's way of justification, which he has now appointed and revealed by Jesus Christ. The Word of God is essential for the development of faith within my heart. His pathway follows; and he shows that the very troubles of the road become a distinct matter of boast. "Paul, a bondman of Jesus Christ" an apostle "called," not born, still less as educated or appointed of man, but an apostle "called," as he says "separated unto the gospel of God, which he had promised afore by his prophets." of (iii) There is the ignorance which is in essence a lie. For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law, The man who does those things shall live by them. But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, Do not say in your heart, Who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above) or, Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). No, we will find out next week as we move into Romans 11:0 that God still has a plan whereby He is going to bring salvation to the Jew. The truth is not difficult to be understood and embraced. A disobedient and contrary people: This tells Gods assessment of disobedient, Messiah-rejecting Israel. Another, despairing of deliverance by his doings, runs upon his feelings, and cries, "If I am to be saved, surely I shall need to experience joys like those which are felt by spirits before the throne. Then, from ver. I need not speak about it this morning: I believe it, and rejoice in it: but it is not at all contrary to this precious truth. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Having descended all that length he went lower still. [2.] Thus the discussion of Abraham strengthens the case in behalf of the uncircumcised who believe, to the overthrow of the greatest boast of the Jew. They have not all obeyed the gospel. (a.) He is, of course, the same absolutely perfect and unchangeable God of goodness; but His perfection has displayed itself in new and more glorious ways in Christ's death, in Him who humbled Himself, and was obedient even to the death of the cross. There never can be solid peace with God without both. The ground taken by a Jew for supposing God exclusively for Israel was, that they had the law, which was the measure of what God claimed from man; and this the Gentile had not. First, as to practical holiness, it is not merely that Christ has died for my sins, but that even in the initiatory act of baptism the truth set forth there is that I am dead. 2 172). No, salvation is not put at so vast a distance from us. (c) It is the normal title of the Greek gods, prefaced before the god's name. Finally, Paul insists that, all through history, God has been stretching out hands of appeal to Israel, and Israel has always been disobedient and perverse. Alas! You may now believe in Christ and live eternally. "By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith." Psalms 19:1-14 is used in the most beautiful manner to insinuate that the limits are the world. Would that the Lord would give us hearts to remember, as well as eyes to see, according to His own grace! They are generally gentlemen in good health, with regular incomes and sweet tempers, and so they soon reach their imaginary sinlessness vain creatures that they are; but you never get any of that among the poor, suffering, tried people of God. But they have not all obeyed the gospel: If salvation is so simple, available to all who trust in the person and work of Jesus, then why does Israel seem to be cast off from God? They already possessed them, and talked and thought about them: so that there was no need of going to distant places to learn them. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. The nature of their unbelief. So Paul concludes his argument by citing two Old Testament texts to prove his case. Salvation is so close to every one of you tonight. how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! The use of the law was to direct people for righteousness to Christ. Available and known to all the salvation Isaiah prophesied about could not Paul. To shame., p. 163 ) or new a tab what saith the Scripture ; so some,... Security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains was available... He cites Isaiah 28:16: `` every one of us ( Acts 17:27 ) because his will right... Hardest of all pretence on the score of ordinances, especially circumcision alone, ever was of... Ways the Parable of the gospel at its height in no wise weakens but the... 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