You go in thinking that he is a shoe in to message you throughout the period but it doesnt happen at all. Dont tell him youre going to ignore him for a specific amount of days. This is a question I get all the time. the last 5 I loved- got seriously involved with someone new in less than 2 months after we broke up. Meanwhile, while you are in No Contact Period, be active in improving yourself and having your own life. He also has severe commitment issues regarding how things will change after marriage and how our families will get involved. Your feelings for your ex is probably in flux, right? Ive been reading so many articles . But hey, I was young and I didnt know how to handle my emotions. Go visit my home page to learn more about the tools and resources I make available. This website has a lot of information about the no contact rule since it is an essential stepping stone to getting your ex boyfriend back. He may have been hoping that you would stick with what you have been doing. Lets say that you decide that you want to embark on the 30 day no contact period. Implement the No Contact Rule and drop little hints in social media or with your friends that you are happy and engaged with life. Wondered if you could advise. I am very hurt at how he interpreted my actions, how he treated my home and children, and me disrespectfully, but I feel that I still love him and want him back. He texted rarely for 2-3 times and that also he would say that he wanted to have sex with me. Have you ever noticed how crazy people get when you ignore them? But such is the post break up environment. Remember, Chris wants you to work on becoming the Ungettable Girl! Getting the chemistry right between two people is no easy task. In fact, I recently filmed a video about just that. Because it is these same women who come back with their tail between their legs when their ex boyfriend doesnt contact them at all saying that: I tried this and it didnt work.. What do I do now??????. Also Im pretty sure he has slept with someone else during this time. Allow your ex time to process things and avoid inserting any pressure into the situation. After that he went home Firstly, the no contact rule is only step one in the process. I know NC is hard, but as you will learn in my program, much of your efforts during NC is to focus on you and your recovery and you will be little good to yourself or in your efforts to get her back if your head is not right! The no contact rule was not started in the right way. The response to what do to when an ex reaches out during no contact will depend on the nature of the breakup, how things developed, and the mistakes that have been made We fought a lot, broke up several times but we knew how much we love each other so git back each time. I feel that women often have an advantage over men because women are constantly talking to other women about their feelings. What often happens when people hold their feelings in? Will inform you with date. He may be angry because hes was not expecting this reaction. When You Meet Up With Your Ex That first meeting after no contact is important. Your NC time period has just concluded and you are debating on whether or not you should contact him via a text message. The principles, concepts, and tactics apply to all, with some minor differences in some areas. what did you eat. When he sees youre in that group with some guys and girls, he is unlikely to be angry, but it will make an impression and thats ok. You are planting a little jealousy seed. Some men just take longer than others to make a move. I love and miss him so much, Hey Claire, it is only you who can deicide if you want to move on or not, I am happy to give you advice with whichever path you choose. Besides, sometimes you will have to message your ex first and earn the right back to get him to message you. But look at it this way, if he choose to go chasing after someone after only a week or two, that says a lot about his maturity and level of commitment. It turns out there are quite a few of these Moonstruck Mantras that can get inside your head. So, even if you are not right in front of him, remember, you will often be on his mind. I didnt post anything until 2 days ago in which case he did not view but he views a mutual friend of mine. (Hey, who doesnt love a Captain American meme?). I would say walk away from this guy because he sounds like an ass, especially when he has children of his own! Why would he even feel the need to get back at you?. Having an ex unblock you can do a real number on your psyche; you tend to overthink, question their motives, feelings towards you, and most importantly, your feelings towards your ex. Its obvious he is upset because of what hes been posting on social media. Hes very stubborn. Required fields are marked *. It could lead later to something the two of you talk about. What if he finds another woman right after the breakup?, What if hes has known this new girl for a long time. Hi MelissaI am sorry you had to deal with someone that was deceitful. We have not been able to see each other since March. I have kids and we broke up because he couldnt see a future for us dispite saying he is in love with me, Im the one blah blah blah. Later he said, when I call u my friend no physical relationship from now. Him knowing it was something I wanted from the beginning. One of the most asked questions I get from coaching clients is to explain the reasoning behind a man who doesnt contact you during the no contact period. In other words, in that massive guide I actually recommend that you are the first one to make contact with your ex after the no contact period. He has a very busy job and is doing other projects outside of work so tends to be busy. And it allows you to maintain your dignity and leave the conversation in a position of power. Do you think theres a way back for us? If you are still in your no contact period, then continue with it. I guess the main point I am trying to make here is that if you manage your expectations you will be much better off. A few months ago I got a message from a woman whose ex hadnt contacted her during her no contact period. We want him to notice. I broke 3 weeks of NC out of anger and sent him a bitchy text and he blocked my number and then I apologized and then he unblocked my number and apologized for how he ended things, but said he is focusing on himself and then a week later unfollowed me on Instagram. Or perhaps a better description is moving forward. Unless you suspect that your ex is not adequately caring for your child, it's best to stay out of their house. How do I tell him all this for a second chance? Be sure that you are professional in the workplace, but not his friend. And yet, that simple idea turns out to be one of the hardest things to successfully complete when it comes to the ex recovery process. Now, we sometimes have this little voice that speaks in our minds. Sometimes it is up to you to reach out and form that emotional attachment. So it caught me off guard. You wont leave him wondering what youve been up to. If you stay strong with no contact, the odds are in your favor that your ex will reach out in time. Just the thought of another woman can drive you crazy. If he says that, then, dont panic. While those emotions may be negative they are still emotions and if you play your cards right you can turn them in your favor. Better to stay away if he doesnt reach out! Shall I give up or can I tell him I am here? But think of this way instead. You cried at the top of your lungs until they paid attention to you. The fact that he broke up with you, probably means he doesnt want you to give him attention anymore. Recently he just tried to friend zone me, saying he wants to get to know me, he has decided to call a spade a spade , cease sex and get to know me, meanwhile he wanted the cash for a course and after the course he would move in. I mean get engaged in lots of thingsdifferent things. I want nothing more than to get her back. And by the way, before I expand on this topic, let me remind you that the success of No Contact is not solely predicated on him reaching out to your first. Dont tell him youre doing the no contact rule. If he does happen to get in touch with you from anywhere between 21-30 days then I would consider that to be a pretty long time for an ex boyfriend to not respond to you. It might take 45 days. So, when you use the no contact rule on these type of men what is going on in their heads? I felt he is worth waiting for but he think it wont work between us.has he made his mind forever? Just tell him you need time for yourself and when youre ready, youll reach out. More often than not, implementing the No contact Rule usually makes your guy want to talk to you more. Your email address will not be published. Do I have any chances ? Oh, it happens. I am confused whether i should move on or wait for him. Lets walk down the path many women often take. Im just wondering whether I should give up and never contact him again. I guess the two go hand and hand dont they? Well, according to studies, it generally takes about 66 days to make or break a habit or create a new routine. We used to chat on telegram app and i deleted that account and uninstalled the app 2 weeks ago. One outcome could be a noncommittal statement from your guy like: Were just friends right? I said no I will. Could he really have moved on that fast ? Ex unfriended me during no contact Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? Please respond I knw its a big text, but I dnt know how to put in a small way, still I tried my best. And then I left. I cheated on him with an ex lover for about the second to last month if our relationship . It can be entirely possible that the no contact rule was working you just have no idea because he has an amazing poker face. Personally, I think men like this arent very good in relationships. What did you do then? Heres the issue. Ask yourself first. At first glance, you wouldnt think so since no contact is generally a very easy to understand idea: No Contact- A rule stating that you are not allow to call, text or get in touch with your ex boyfriend for a certain period of time. Hey Bebee, you are not meant to warn your ex that you need space. but that doesnt mean he has forgotten about you. Does this mean that you are going to have to be the one to press the action after the NC rule is completed? We had been seeing each other since the end of last year and all was going great until Corona hit. Why? Rather it is measuring their behavior over time that informs you more. Consider yourself fortunate. Your are not just giving him what he thinks he wants (his freedom), but in actuality you are taking a freedom away from him. In the past, he was quite comfortable and accustomed with being in contact with you whenever it pleased him. I said, u never wanted to be in my heart, why does it matter to you now? Better yet, lets refer to it as the Moonstruck Mantra. He taunted me n said no he doesnt want to be my friends. Should You Go No Contact With Your Situationship? That I needed to have time apart to move on. Youre doing the No Contact Rule. You figure, what do I have to lose.. So lets try to put things into perspective and give you insights into what is more likely to happen and why you should stay the course. But I do want you to understand the importance of you finding yourself again, which means you need to be happy with who you are and not feel dependent on your Ex. This guide is going to be looking at that situation specifically and breaking it down from your side and your ex boyfriends side. Has he moved on ? Chances are, he will more probably be annoyed with you and see you as a hindrance to his new found love story. His failure to even reach out or give you a hint that he is thinking of you could be because he is stubborn or hes proud. Dont confuse him. I feel like I live inside your broken hearts. N I keep finding his text to his sister. Lets just hang out. Then I will send them to you, I didnt respond, so he called. I just dont know why he keeps calling and at this point Im worried that if I talk to him I will lose control of my emotions and would have to start back over again if he decides to not want to be in a relationship and just wants to be friends, which Im not interested in since he did play a father figure role with my daughter and I just dont want to confuse her. No calls receiving after that. Well, today we are going to be tackling one of the most asked questions when it comes to the no contact rule. Well, obviously Ex Boyfriend Recovery took off after that but if you go back and re-read my program you are going to learn a few interesting things. I am doing no contact but he had already been pretty silent. I am a single mom of a daughter who is not his child and Im done Im going in circles in a relationship that Im even unsure if there will be an end I.e marriage. Neither of us have tried to contact each other since we ended it. No less than 5 men- 5! Say nice and lovely things to your friends about him. People typically talk about defriending as a way to express their hurt and anger. He said u hv to complicate everything I said I am not complicating anything. Read the information on this website about being Ungettable and focus on that, yourself and your children for some time. I know the very thought of implementing such a tactic can be really frightening for some people. M I doing right? I want you to close your eyes and imagine something with me for a moment. We got on great and were in the exciting dating phase. Also, just perhaps it is a good thing that he does not want to talk with you. Especially if he sees how much fun youre having and that you are making improvements in your life. Dont ever think that its not. what you are up to. NC 2 months. Take your time when it comes to responding. Barring emergencies, the best-case scenario is no contact at all. What are you talking about Amor? You may be wondering why I'm telling you to delay your response to your ex after no contact. So that means you have to be active in social media. Does the very thought of entering into a No Contact Period with your ex boyfriend shake you at your very core? And thats a good sign. Hello , you dont talk much on guys that self sabotage . I received that question from one of the commenters and it got me thinking. Him: damn I really fucked up. Ok I was fine, being friend working together (both of us could co- founders of a startup) in between 4 years, he left me for a girl, she left him he wanted me back, wanted to marry me, realised he loves me, few months later, he had to end it here, cause nothing can happen hmit is equally oainfull for him, but when I am in front of him, he hugs me, kisses me, fucks me, takes care of me. We have a fight he blamed me, saying he is going through a difficult time n I am focusing on this, for which he has said sorry, I torture him, I dnt trust him, n I think bad about him.. Hi Babs, to block you is an emotional reaction. So take things slow. I remember one time where there was someone I really wanted to talk to. Your ex might have unfriended you on social media, but there could be a range of reasons why they haven't blocked you. He got angry on it n said ok. However, if he doesnt contact you it is entirely possible that he still misses you but he is just too stubborn to reach out (which I will talk to you about in a little bit.). Its purpose is to help you get yourself back. You start off with really high hopes that throughout this process he will end up contacting you. You see, a large portion of women who visit this site are under the impression that all they have to do to get their ex back is the no contact rule. First, ask it really because of the No Contact Period or is it that he needs more time. It will help in making him value you more and miss you. I recently had my girlfriend break up with me and I dont know where to go from here. Remember, your main goal here is to get your ex back and in order to do that communication is key. In time you can do something to help correct that false perception. I digressed a bit. You have a lot of healing and personal discoveries you need to accomplish. That is good for your girl! Well, most likely you turned into a gnat that would never leave the guy alone. If he chose to pursue a rebound relationship, thats a reflection of his character. Have a Pinterest account so, you can explore and learn about projects or topics you love. But when my dad reached out again he didnt call him back or text him back. How Does The Dumper Feel After A Month Of No Contact? Remember, guys often want that which they dont have. What if we made the mistake of fighting for the relationship. Lets say you already explained to him that you need space and No Contact is underway. If he said hes never going to talk to you before No Contact, thats probably a manipulative move or he said it out of emotion because he can see youre serious about wanting to have space. Thats the purpose of no contact right? I would just say I love you in the morning and at night . Yes, if he does contact you that means deep down there is a part of him that misses you. Originally, I thought it would be fun to write a massive program on how to get your ex boyfriend back and see what happened. Secondly, focus on being really, really productive during your no contact period. As I mentioned earlier, you cant control him. Am I a joke to you? So you dont want him thinking you have moved on and that his name is dead to you forever. The call ended well and he texted a few hours later saying he really enjoyed speaking and thanked me for being so understanding. To understand the true purpose of NC one must first look at the bigger picture of getting an ex boyfriend back (if you need the big picture check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.). It takes time to get over that but you definitely need to remind yourself of what he has done and that you deserve much better than what you got from him! He has said again that we will not be more than friends (something Ive heard a few times before but his actions/words change) so now I am leaving him to work on him and I will work on the things I need to work on. Female psychology after a breakup has shown that women tend to have a more intense emotional response after a breakup when compared to men. Heck, most people make relationship decisions based on their emotions. In my experience, such concerns are often never realized. Maybe the two of you will be joined together again. He got defensive and said hed never marry again. No, no, no! Now, he might try to make you think that he has, but it is no easy thing for him to simply tuck away all of the emotional connections he has built with you. So, you just stopped replying to him all of a sudden. U just throws me out whenever u want, end things whenever u want, u decided all this on ur own n just declares the decision on me. Well, if you have not done so yet, this is the time for you to send him a great initial contact message. If you think I slacked off when writing this then just let me know in the comments and I will be sure to correct the problems that you see. Perhaps he just doesnt want a relationship with me. It became more fight then friends with us. You see, men and women are very similar in many respects. Depending on how things went down between the two of you, your ex may be behaving this way to strike back. Why is this so difficult? And then out of the blue he tells you that if you dont reply and be friends with him, you cant talk to him ever. That would just probably push him away and he would have a right to feel angry. I bet you never thought of your ex has a science experiment! Dont be in a hurry to rush back into the fire if there has not been sufficient time for you both to heal. The first person to reach out loses the game and they will refuse to lose that game. He broke up 3 weeks ago. Told him the other guy means nothing and stopped talking to the other guy . On 1 March it was very long call, it was of hours, I was telling him everything. Breaking up is hard on both parties. After that happened he lost his job and had issues with his family and has had a pretty deep depression going on Ive stuck around and said I wasnt going anywhere but conversation started to be lucky if I got one to two texts a day. Sometimes we need to be angry in a constructive way to work out the emotions. What happens if youre not a big social media user? In Jan, he said he is ending the promise, as its his life n he decided what will happen in it. The problem with stubborn men is that they wont want to communicate. So, your ex doesnt want you to be happy after he breaks your heart? Ok. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I find them encouraging and insightful. So after getting humiliated for so many times i decided to cut off contact with him. This is the 1st time we havent spoken. Make them all count. What about when you were a little bit older and saw something at the store that you really wanted but they were simply silent to your request? Think of this process as a restart of a possible new future, not a continuation of your previous relationship. Question What if he comes to your house during no contact? This is me taking responsibility for not explaining the no contact rule as thoroughly as I should have. I later on asked him why he hasnt been as loving to them as normally he is, and he blew up saying he didnt want to be around my kids. You were so good at giving me chances, I was free to do anything and everything. I didnt respond at all. He was always checking out girls too . Continue with your NC and do not break it. What if I lose him because of it? Much of this post will also focus on solutions. I promise that I am going to do everything in my power to make that a reality for you and I want YOU to hold me accountable to it. Ok once in anger he said he used me all these years. There is a certain degree of trial and error in all of our relationship decisions. Comment ok I get Im doing it and I am still on hell. Only step one in the workplace, but not Block me youre having and that you need space no., probably means he doesnt reach out went down between the two of you, I free... 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