i just woke up lol. I hope you like hot chocolate, Im making some right now. Y/N shut the door with her hip. The cold was unforgiving, but Jean wanted to give Y/N some time to respond in case she decided he didnt want him to come over after all. Duh, Jean mocked, staring at Y/N and placing his empty plate on the counter. You dont have to yell, Y/N rolled her eyes. In moments like these, Kirishima truly is himself. They were always spamming the group chat with stupid memes and conversations. Ever since the whole Jean fiasco, Y/N felt odd texting him. Yeah, yeah. Or something. Y/N not so subtly tried to hide her blushing complexion. You wait until he finally takes a break (which takes a long time). Jean walked in, peeking his head around the corner to where Y/N was standing in the kitchen with Reiner. Not to mention they were seriously hammering his ass about retrieving the couch he left at Y/Ns house. What the hell happened? Jean vents her frustrations about an upcoming mission. Jean gave a small smile. You havent seen Jean in years and you still act rude to him!, Ymir cackled. Jean was on the phone with his mother, who called at that exact moment and decided it was a good time to scold him about not calling for a week and a half. The friend zone can be left. Every saint has a past, and every sinner have a future you believe in those words, that makes you kind enough to be forgiving. It was January for fucks sake.. Its probably just basic., Sure, Kirstein, Y/N dragged out the syllables. He searched for her on Instagram, and nothing came up. How have you been? He asked Ymir. But here's the thing with Denki Kaminari - he's terrified of rejection. Marco, give me 15, 20 minutes max. Historia rolled her eyes. He figured he would close the distance and step into that friendship with her, if only for now. Say goodbye to the mullet, cause before you know it Ill be activating professional John. Jean slicked back his hair and shot a finger gun at Y/N. Which basically means, lose the micro stache and cut the mullet. Levi reiterated. What can I say? A pregnancy. His voice is so deep, Y/N thought. You okay? A soft voice asked from the door. Y/N punched his shoulder jokingly. But in the end, would you say it was worth it? She watched him through her side eye perspective. Even better! His shoulders relax, his mouth turns up into a permanent smile and his eye's light up with the brightness of all the stars in the sky. Three, I cant invite all of his friends and not him. Spongebob didnt even accomplish that., Always so literal. Jean shook his head. It started off with his costume mishap with the cape thingy getting caught on a sharp piece of rebar and tripping with the dummy. Top Rule to Avoid Reader Rejection There's one thing, above all, that you must always achieve in your script: Thou Shalt Not Bore Thy Audience! What the fuck? Jean groggily shoved Connie. It was good. You ready to go? He asked Reiner. Shit! Without traffic, of course. You said after a beat of thought. Im sorry about earlier. Y/N attempted to convince herself she only liked Jean as a friend all night. Not only was he responding after a few hours, but he wasnt even sure if the offer still stood. And um, He stepped closer to Y/N, lowering his voice. Jean also secretly felt a small thrill of changing his appearance. Even if everybody else could tell otherwise. He quickly rushed to move his hand off the steering wheel and change the song off his phone. Sasha had a suspicion it had to do with Jean, since she was with him. Zombie Apocalypse AU Jeanxblackreader The world has become a different place now were dead creatures rule the earth. The longing started to hurt already. so i am now proud to drop the results of the poll - the jean fic one! Jean shoved his hands into his pocket, still smiling goofily. "I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for a BBQ my parents are having!" Hope you enjoyed it. Y/N waved. Jean shut his mouth, nodding. His throat felt unbearably dry. You can sit! Y/N motioned to the small breakfast table Sasha was devouring her sandwich at. But he would figure it out. Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. The hots? Ymir waved her hand dismissively. I previously wasnt going to write NSFW, but I changed my mind. Theyre something serious. Marco shuddered. My pleasure! Marco waved one last time before they drove off. y/n: but i do have to study a lot, not sure how good you are at that ? So what possessed you to text me at 5 in the morning?. Surprisingly, it was Ymir. You seem very sensible.. It was a pic of Historia as a kid, wearing a hot pink feather boa with a pink plastic cellphone against her ear. You turned around so quick that it gave you whiplash. hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas . She had pulled Historia aside to complain about Miches inaccurate song choice. Her mother! What kind of a jerk was this guy? You are F/n, princess of the small, poor country of Shiganshina. Who knows how long the guilt will eat you alive for. He said in a fake menacing tone. Were about to leave.. Of course, he would find it difficult to squeeze his huge stature into a car. He was seated next to her on their couch, clutching a pillow. He was sitting on Sashas massive bean bag chair in the living room. 2. Jean tilted his head from side, trying to see how well his hair had grown out. Picking his phone up, Jean reread Y/Ns message. He quickly typed out a hesitant, hey, can you still hang? before backspacing and erasing it. Bye guys! A chorus of bye!s ensued. In moments like these, where he's feeling like he can't live up to his own hero name due to human tendencies, Kirishima is Red Riot. Youre welcome! Sasha doesnt believe you.. Jean made his way to the bathroom to get ready for his History class. No. Ymir borderline barked. (thoma x reader x ayato). They were stretching on the grass, Jean touching his toes through his cleats. *please read the a/n at the end of chapter! Jean was pacing on the sidewalk, his hand in his hair. but yay!! yay for nursing majors (note sarcasm). men- prefix medical terminology; backyard sandbox ideas; boston public schools covid testing sites; tener future tense spanish; how many superfund sites are in new jersey "What would be the fun in that?". Ymir removed her hand around Historia and sat forward, opening her hands in a What? I dont know. Y/Ns alarm woke her from her sleep, and she angrily swiped the notification away. Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm, eyeing his surroundings. She came to the conclusion that while she was attracted to Jean immensely, she had to take it slow. I should head out, I got a lot of stuff to do.. When he walks out, he says nothing and just slams the door behind him. The red head glances at you and directs his attention towards the T.V. Ill see you man, thanks for everything!. hello everyone! Great. Im sorry about the late notice, I just didnt want to leave you hanging since it was my idea, after all. Y/N hummed in agreement. He couldnt master a certain trick no matter how hard he tried, and when Porco got mad attitude tended to follow, which got him into trouble more often than not. Got it. And I think thats Hanges best friend., Yeah, its an accident firm, though, so I just hope they can teach me what I want to know about civil law. And well, if he didnt establish some didnt of connection with Y/N soon, who knows when another opportunity to hang would arrive? You might put on something lame, like The Notebook., The Notebook is fucking amazing, you pretentious dick., So they watched The Notebook, and towards the end, when it was revealed the elder couple was actually Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Jean silently wiping away a stray tear, Y/N quietly whispered, Werent we supposed to be studying?, Jean shushed her. Probably. Jean agreed. PIVOT! Please consider turning it on! You simp. Eren shoved Jean. PIVOT! she suddenly shrieked, causing Reiner to startle. You were addicted to Genshin Impact so much you would use up all your money and time on it at fault. He was going to hang out with Y/N! lots of it. After brushing her teeth and doing her morning routine, Y/N headed back to her room to retrieve her phone. He practically bolted the next couple of feet to her dorm, the adrenaline rush he felt not dying down as he made his way to her street. Not because you are a stalker, but because you care for Kirishima's well being and you just want to make sure he's ok. It was pretty good.. So, um, Ill keep in contact.. Dont yall got a couch to be moving?, Right, Reiner agreed, walking over to the couch. This is the worst chapter Ive written so far I honestly do not like it one bit LOL so please dont use this to judge how the story will go from now on. Sasha scrambled to her feet off the floor to take his spot. He tilted his head curiously, looking at Sasha snoozing on the couch. But when was there ever not any traffic on the streets of Trost? Yeah, lets hope this internship doesnt get in my way, though., Nonsense! Marco dismissed Jeans skepticism. Jean was beginning to think that maybe this was a mistake, trying to hang out solo so soon. Well, you were right.. To make matters worse, he was called out on it on the evaluation at the end of class. Yes! Jean pumped his fist in the air. Shoot, even his overgrown mullet was an impulsive decision Jean had made. jean x reader rejectionterabase64 combo list. Jean awoke from his nightmare, drenched in sweat. How in the hell had she managed to do that? For someone who liked to listen to 2014 pop, he was pretty bashful. A weird trademark, but Jean wasnt exactly in a position to choose. And I wouldnt have just shown up here if I knew it was your place.. So why dont we help each other out?, Erwin chuckled. She looked more or less the same, only more subtler. His smile was everything. Before Y/N could respond, Historia piped up. Marco, dude. Jean clicked his phone off, leaning back in the passenger seat of Reiners car. Y/N, Ymir scolded. I will! Marco chuckled. The ride remained silent for a few minutes when Reiner spoke again. "Woah, are you ok (last name)?" Uh, huh. Jean replied, not believing it, more so hoping it was just a joke. This isnt to be taken lightly. They remained silent for a few minutes, Y/N quietly preparing their drinks with miniature marshmallows and whipped cream, Jean scrolling through his phone. As the in-game started to open the door, a bright light consumed you which made you went unconscious. I admire that. He just laughed that fall off, but it did make him lose a few points. You guys are weird. She said, walking to the couch as well. You have been dreaming for this to happen to yourself. Come in! Y/N shouted. He's chugging his water like he's been in the desert for 40 days. Flirting with Jean was fun. Sasha was snoring loudly on the Porco couch. This is the only way you can be so close to him to see the little details and not close enough to be noticed. Eating standing up.. maybe study together. Oh, its a funny story. Y/N exhaled. awkwardness. He didnt need to contemplate matters of romance and relationships. There was a knock on the door then. stay tuned for chapter 13 :*), taglist : @lagrimasdeglitter @snowyseungs @mukeovernetflix @bakugouswh0r3 @punicorn999 @deadlyaffairs @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe @symgotyou @caeholemayhole @commanderawkward @xxcindyxx12 @basic-asian @whosveenus, for sale or wanted - jean kirstein x fem! Sasha hates anyone who turns down food of any kind. I didnt say anything!, Oh, please, Ymir rolled her eyes in disbelief. Its very nice to meet you. Its okay, Y/N. She was still in the denial phase of the whole courting process. The first thing you see when you woke up was Aether's and Paimon's faces which brings you to surprise. I think its a good trait a lawyer can have., Levi rolled his eyes. Only you hogged all the popcorn and cried like a fucking baby., Jean scoffed. im sorry for the late update but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it :D so i saw this post and it was like fanfic authors be going thru the most traumatic shit and then come back like nothing happened with a 6k word count chapter and LET ME TELL YOU, that is my life. You think with a small smile on your face. He checked the time and saw that if he rushed, he could make it to class in about 30 minutes. She did feel a bit disappointed Jean hadnt responded. Anyways, Y/N decided to forgive Jean. Y/N shrugged. Heres your sandwiches, courtesy of Chef Y/N.. Its cold. "and you don't have to tell me why, It's just that I understand what you're going through and I just want to say that" His eyes sharpen and you can basically hear the gears turning. Just because we were looking for somebody, does not mean we hire just anybody. Erwins gaze bore into Jean. Oh, sorry. She went to put it in the kitchen. One time Ymir tried to convince her that lactose intolerance didnt exist. It was honestly a hard day for the hero training class today. His smile makes you feel sick, his laughter makes you feel sick, and his happiness makes you feel sick. rules will be in the first chapter! So this couch, was it really worth it or did you just see a pretty girl and get too embarrassed to say no? Reiner teased, smirking. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought. So were good? Reiner asked. She figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner knew. A day off with him wouldnt have been too awful for her. Pleaseeee? She was down to earth, smart, and easy on the eyes. Jean smirked. Your tired eyes are suddenly filled with vigor and you plan on what to say to the red head. He looks back with hesitance and you internally cringe. Sasha, however, was distraught. 3. Jean stared at Y/N. Keeping your eyes on him and not getting caught is harder than on paper. Like a fish, Sashas mouth closed with a wet sound. But I gotta go, Ill text you-, Jean, wait! Y/N stood up after him, his hand already on the doorknob. Damn kids, always on their phones. He left it a smidge open, it wouldn't hurt to just observe for a little bit. Sasha sat up on the couch. Whyd you invite him, babe? She whined, pouting like a child. Female characters x fem!reader one shots Various one-shots for the Genshin Impact women with female reader. Um, he scratched the back of his neck. "T-todoroki," you stutter pathetically, eyes wide as you scramble to hide your face. Her hands were burning with the cold. Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup? Hi! gesture. Connie rolled his eyes. jean kirstein x black!fem!reader Okay, freeze to death. Y/N rolled her eyes, but neither she nor Jean removed their hands. She gave me a number that she said I could reach her at to set it up and I was so relieved. Reiner shrugged. Sure, it was risky, what with finals looming around the corner. 'I can still salvage this, I know I can, just tell him you coward.'. why did her brother's roommate have to be so damn fine. Porco began to seriously doubt his own abilities at times like this, though. Was he not accepting the hint that she was busy? tagged by @lanasrays (thank you!). He pushes himself far past exhaustion during heroics class and it worries you to no end. Many different situations were thrown your way as a class and some were just solo situations. Wait, so, if Sasha is lactose intolerant, how does she drink coffee? Jean was puzzled. You reek. Connie pinched his nose dramatically. As Jean wept, the camel from the Carnivals petting zoo suddenly spoke. I heard that! Sasha exclaimed to Ymir. 45 guests He was ignorant to the mixed signals he was sending, and it wasnt his obligation to define his attraction to Y/N. I dont mean any harm, and I know its weird after everything with Porco but I just wanted to say that I dont agree with anything he did. And four, for Y/N. Sasha and Ymir looked at Y/N. I just, I just wanted it gone, I guess. Y/N laughed nervously. Jean flicked his cowboy hat with a solid swish of his index finger, tipping the brim of his hat upwards to allow space for your faces to meet. Neither of them knew what else to say. He just had to try. Not everyday you tweet about a pretty girl.. It looks like he's poured a gallon of oil on his body already. Hey! Jean said. At first he thought it was a strong platonic affection but that eventually changed. I really needed a couch., And thank me, Reiner teased. But I will warn you, however, that tardiness doesnt slide so easily here.. But hello! a/n: hey everyone!! She could not hide her emotions if her life depended on it. You cared for him. Jean was required by his major to fulfill at least a year or so interning to pass onto the next level of his law studies. Yeah. Y/N responded meekly. He prayed that he was going about it the right way. "Umm, no, I'm ok Kami, I think I'll spend the weekend here" Kiri said not bothering to look at the blonde. You manage a small smile of your own then you turn back to the elevator. "Hey! for sale or wanted jean kirstein x fem! So forgetful? So hes gonna help me move this thing. He patted the couch Sasha was snoring on. All you ever wanted to do was to travel Teyvat and study the unique plants around the seven regions and most of the time that is what you do, but as of late you start to find yourself getting involved with rather troublesome individuals. You heard Denki shout while walking to the dorms. Your gut shrivels up and dusts itself with longing. He had barged into your classroom to talk to you. Yeah, just Connie and Sasha being aggravating as usual. Jean explained. You couldn't see any emotion on his face during the rest of the day. I think we might need another couch. Y/N commented, watching Sasha try to shove Reiner off her usual seating spot. He decided to just send her a quick, hey im sorry i just woke up. Thats rude. I had cold sweats.. Its not that, its just You knew what Porco did and said behind my back and you just never told me. Jean got on the other side of the couch, and on the count of three him and Reiner lifted it. She was unlike anyone hed ever met) and yet he came to the same result each time; Jean liked her. [A choose-your-own-adventure story with branching narratives], "You just got slammed into a soft pile of grass, now theres like.. a bajillion hot women and men surrounding yo ass. Five stars! Sasha banged her first on the table, chewing loudly. The sound of her phones ringtone awoke Y/N. I sold it for a reason, whatever your last name is. Y/N crossed her arms. He tossed and turned in his twin bed, wondering what she was up to at this moment. Y/Ns mouth dropped. The scar above his right eye is so cute 'it moves when his emotions show on his face!' Y/N yawned, stretching her arms and accidentally striking Jean. Yes, I didnt even know you existed until now? After the whole Porco incident, she knew she shouldnt ever swallow her thoughts about a guy. Denki continues not noticing that Kiri is uncharacteristically not talking. can you tell this was rushed lmaoooo. Not in the sense of determination and perseverance, but of anger and hatred. Kiri didn't say anything and just looked down at his shoes again. If anything, it made him more attractive. All I knew was that he was dating you. Todoroki had to stop this. Plastering a fake smile on her face, she just nodded. highlight what you like or what applies to you. Is this what the contestants of American Idol feel like? So what do you guys want?. M-U-E-nster. ", ' , Y/N raised her eyebrows at him before turning to serve some hot chocolate into a small mug. A few moments after, almost subconsciously, Reiner began to whistle the tune. True, that would put you on my hate list. Jean chuckled. Two and a half weeks passed, and even though Y/N and Jean texted, Jean still found himself beginning to wonder if he would ever really see Y/N constantly. I hope you reflect on that and act accordingly in the future. Sasha bolted off the couch. Of course she would. reader, warnings: cursing, some friends (tv show) references, hostility towards reiner >:( and some mentions of a disrespectful relationship. You decide to join the red head and put on your work-out clothes. Shut up. Jean snapped. Zombie Apocalypse AU Thanks, Y/N. He made his way to the couch, where Historia scooted to make room for him, smiling brightly. Im glad we had this movie day. Jean said once the movie ended. Jean shook his head, looking out the window. He shouldnt even be out on the field anyways, but Marley had a prestigious soccer team, which required more practice than other teams to reach that excellence. No, I get it. Because! Sasha exclaimed defensively. You ran to your door and slammed it shut as soon as you threw your whole body in. Ignore Ymir, shes just grumpy because she hasnt been fed her daily sacrifice of small children. Jean laughed a little too hard while Reiner chuckled. She laughed in response, driving away and honking her horn at Jean. As in, would like to continue seeing her and be able to call her his partner. "I'm justnotI don't think I'm in the right spot to pursue a relationship with you.". But he couldnt name one. Touya Todoroki (Dabi): Healing Hands A noise complaint was the least of her desires at this moment. A personality assessment? You don't think that Iida knows that Tsu's been teasing him with her attempts to keep him talking. He tried to contact her, but his messages never went through. She secretly felt the guilt of the relationship, and she didnt want to relive it. My name is Erwin Smith. Outside the dorm, he let out a sigh of relief. Theyre so good, and they arent lopsided and sloppy like Ymirs.. How did you and Jean meet?. Jean nodded, agreeing. That look did seem to work well on the ladies. I love chips! Jean said. He was sure to make a bad impression. Its pretentious. Y/N insisted. Thats gross.. Why are you here? Jeans face was pressed against the floor. A back up for My Tumblr account writing posts, (Chapter one has the rules and regulations for asks and what I will and won't do), SFW & NSFW Tumblr- https://cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme.tumblr.com. Reiner nodded. I mean, Im not going to blame you. Aka, oh my god redemption arc!! No. Um.. jean: hey ! No matter if there was no one there, you will not let yourself be exposed. Reiner nodded, getting up from the couch. He waved, laughing as well. She probably shouldnt have binge watched all the Marvel movies in timeline order, but the past few weeks had become rather boring to her. You dare question my movie selection?, Hmmm, I dont know. 'If what you said was true, and it's not too late, I would like to take you up on that date.' 'Really?' Maybe he should have just transferred. And over time, Albedo would learn what it feels like to be in love with another - you. Before typing out his response, Jean contemplated what to reply. Suddenly, Y/N set his cup down in front of him. A quick flashback of the nightmarish verbose camel passed through his mind. He wondered. Really? He examined his reflection in the mirror, hoping that the shitty lighting wouldnt make him miss any noticeable spots. Panting heavily, he reached under his pillow for his phone. He walked out, keys jangling, and shut the door gently. "do you need help setting up the christmas lights?" he'd ask at the start of november, you'd always give him a funny look and . They both laughed it off and continued dancing, Sasha, Mikasa and Eren by their side. You just know he's over thinking every little mistake, not that you've talked to him about it, but because you've been there. He says reaching a hand out to you. And even if he tried to deny it, that was beginning to become Y/N. Isnt he cute?, Cute is not a word I would use to describe him. Then lets watch a movie. You also can't help but get so attracted in other words, simping on the characters' designs that the game offer to the fact that you decided to declare yourself as Genshinsexual (a joke btw). Thats the Smith-Ackerman Firm. index Ask. He had just been appointed president, and he was already starting off badly. Sasha groaned, throwing her hand over her forehead and falling back on the couch. L/N. Jean repeated. Jean rolled his eyes. Jean was having trouble remaining focused. Historia shushed Sasha, swatting her. iwaizumi's part. So was that the new love interest in your teen drama? They wiggled their eyebrows at Y/N. "That you like him and that was an experiment," *Kero* she say walking to the cafeteria. Oh! Even if it was a rare thing for Ymir to be concerned about her love life, she didnt have it in her to explain how Ymir might have been right. Im not ready to say goodbye. she grumbled sleepily. Are you 12? Y/N snapped. He said around 4.. Y/N was frustrated. Hey, so what time do you have to be back by? Y/N sat up straight. "Hmm?" Then, he has the nerve to follow her on Twitter like nothing happened. Nah, you probably just like to show off your massive truck bed and hope girls find that kinda thing cool. Jean said. If you can believe it, yeah. Jean chuckled. Im so sorry. Reiner rambled. +16 more. Reiner shook his head, eyes widened in fear. It was between Porco and I. Not only was he not dressed for the occasion, had no resum on hand, and bringing an uninvited guest? Tsuyu had her pointer finger on her chin while her tongue was out. She finished chomping and swallowed before getting up. Thanks guys, really., Thank you, Jean replied. He looked at TikToks about icks, and no matter how hard he imagined Y/N in those situations, he couldnt ever be grossed out by it. Its gone! Y/N clapped her hands enthusiastically. He knew he was feeling it hard, and he tried every way he knew how to define those feelings (Was it lust? Jean adjusted his buttons. Oh! Im Marco. He redirected his attention to Y/N. This was much better.. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. also, almost 200 followers and over 220 notes already?? I REPEAT THE DATES ON THE MESSAGES ARE WRONG I JUST REALIZED. He's naturally self-destructive. So she was willing to hang out. Armin, Connie, even Sasha. Y/N laughed again, the corners of her eyes crinkling, shaking her head a bit. She bent down to find her keys, but couldnt find them due to the dim light and light snow on the ground. It was all he needed - a small social circle was good enough for him. She would have never guessed he liked romantic movies. She opened the door, smiling. # 5. She could use the mental health day, and it was the last few weeks of the semester anyways. She was really focusing on the road. Once he was recruited, he was handed a goody bag with the firms winged logo and assorted treats and merch. Did he cheat? Sasha whispered to Historia. Me, too. Yawning, Y/N headed to the bathroom to begin freshening up. The trick is to make your hands sweaty.. Its just fun to work you guys up.. He had only seen her a few times, after all. Thanks! He was totally bombing it. For someone so huge, he was a massive softie. Hopefully not texting her ex or some dumb boy who Jean knew would never be enough for her. Just for that, Im gonna fart in your bed.. But I wish Jean wouldve at least given me a headsup you were Sashas room mate. Reiner muttered. But at least you got it! 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