Stories that start with kit Keith and end with Paladin Keith. Moving forward is hard. He was able to calmly and decisively lead the Paladins against Lotor and his Sincline mech. No name recommendations will be Zapped!. Keith never thought he'd have a family. When vulpine galra (Byal/Kyx) become agitated, their fur fluffs up automatically to make them Big and Intimidating, and Keith has this physical response too! And will the team accept him for who he truly is? A series that depicts Keith's life after he is rescued by Thace and the BoM discover he is actually blind. Each piece of the series contains bits the others don't. However, as seen during his battle with the Galra Emperor, Keith's determination also allows him to connect more deeply with Red, unlocking previously unknown weaponry. Keith embodies the Red Lion's elemental affiliation of Fire in his hotheaded personality, fierce instincts in battle, and often incendiary humor and remarks. Excerpt:She leaned angrily across the table, pointing a long bony finger in his direction as she spat her accusations. Keith was originally the paladin of the red lion in this version of the series. Keith's mixed heritage seems to have had an affect on him. So here's a whumpy take on this. Thus far Keith's experiences and performance have given much promise that his inner struggles will at last crystallize into a beacon of hope, like grim percussion replaced by the clarion call of a trumpet. Language: English Words: Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. And the blade was hers, wasn't it? This one is angsty. The Galra are a very powerful species, able to outmatch many millions of species across the universe in both physical strength, as well as military strategy. Keith was used to abuse, lived it most of his life; so, he should be fine when it starts happening in space, right? Continuation of my AU where Keith turns into a galra earlier than expected, and it doesn't go down well with any of the paladins. After discovering his Galran heritage, Keith began to volunteer for increasingly dangerous assignments from the Blade of Marmora, seeming to feel the need to attach him to the closest connection he had to his biological family. These are my favorite Klance comics. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Zarkon), and may include colors of white fur and red markings, or dark spines and scales. Work Search: Heads up before you read this: This book contains vivid descriptions of violence (that I don't condone such actions), blood and torture. Set directly after season 4 but before season 5. Keith gets lost in a space mall. Moving forward is harder. "Galra comrade?" Staring up at the magnificent Red Lion, he watched as nothing happened. I do not own characters or pictures. [6][8] This is in direct contrast to the Blade of Marmora's willingness to sacrifice any member for the greater mission. Cross-Posted on AO3. One of the best, if not the best, genficcers working in this fandom. Lance attempts to take the overworked Paladin back to his room, but the Blades step in and adopt Keith. Keith is a only a kit. In truth, Keith is prone to self-consciousness and fears being rejected by others due to his parents' loss as a child, feeling that he was abandoned, and he tends to keep people at a distance and shut them out before they can reject him first to protect himself. ___________________________________________, Basically, this is me saying that there is no way he could've gotten to the castle practically uninjured. [1] Keith's agility stats are officially the highest;[1][12] his battle strength lies mainly in his physical speed, trust in his instincts, quick adaptation to changes on the battlefield, and his sheer determination to succeed. Was she galran, all this time? How will the palad Keith find out he is part galar and tells his team. Vorschlge? Keith often felt the need to prove himself to his commanding officer and mentor, Kolivan, while simultaneously disregarding orders to put the mission first. Not original has been done before and is heavy inspired Keith is fond of the outdoors because of how quiet nature is. What is known about. But how long will it take him to realize that he has slowly begun to fall in love with his newest teammate? There may be redemption, I don't know yet). Keith is also skilled with explosives and diversionary tactics, as he was able to distract Galaxy Garrison personnel with multiple calculated explosions in order to clear the way to bust Shiro out of quarantine. by MolMcN 5.4K 326 12 During a mission gone wrong, Keith is accidentally aged down to his 9-year-old self. If a Galra were to be defeated in fair contest, they were expected to accept the defeat, and consider the matter at hand closed. # 1 Living a Past Life (A Voltron Lege. A galran-human hybrid. Please consider turning it on! Then the Garrison would be all over him and Kolt just couldnt do that to the boy, it wasnt worth the risk. Keith is anexpelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Age Keith (Voltron) Revealed as Galra Keith (Voltron) is a Mess hes. Team Voltron takes care of him, as they work to find a cure. It has learnt its place. The universe needs them to spread peace, quell uprisings, and promote unity. maybe smut. Or: There are reasons no one ever noticed Keith's knife when he was at the Garrison, and there are reasons he never cut his fingers on the edge. The last thing Ulaz expected to find on an altean ship was a galran kit- but that was exactly what he stumbled across. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting trapped in a black hole for here. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Following his reunion with his mother, Keith matured considerably over his two years in warped space. Keith is known to possess Galra heritage, as evidenced by his Galra knife (which he has possessed since early childhood) activating after passing the Trials of Marmora. What was going on?! Keith hatte das Schloss verlassen und lebte bei den Blades, aber seit dem er dort Lebte, hatte sich sehr viel fr ihn verndert.Keith hatte angst vor der Ablehnung seines Alten Teams aber die Blades waren sich sicher, das Keith ein besuch im Schloss gut tun wrde, also schickten sie ihn fr eine Woche zu besuch. So maybe not cute exactly, but still very distinctly galra, Keith is also capable of making low-frequency sounds such as throaty growls, typically when angry or threatened, accompanied by a snarl or some sort of show of fangs in a. Fluffy hair! I'm posting them all here because they're short and I want to keep track of them. the rest of the voltron crew in the background. Perhaps after spending more time with his own kind, his instincts were starting to awaken. Keith and his Pack are requested to come a day early to the coalition meeting. SORRY! Blue-Gray Keith is rescued after being kidnapped by Galra, and Lance helps him through his first day out of the healing pod.4. Everyone knows me as Ghost. Male When the team lost Shiro, the black lion chose him to become the team leader, and they formed a bond as well. Sup so I got bored and in my opinion there aren't enough kit Keith Voltron fanfics so I decided to make a oneshot book mind you I'm not good at spelling and I'm not that here we have a kit keith. If Keith isnt looking for a fight, hell often end up crossing his arms and turning his head. He ran up to her, feeling her eyes follow him through the room, and placed his hand on her barrier. While Keith normally appears to be completely human, he has displayed Galran traits such as yellow sclerae, feline pupils, and sharpened teeth during moments of extreme stress and emotion. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. No name recommendations will be Zapped!. Was wrde jetzt mit ihn passieren, wrde jemand kommen und ihn holen oder wrden sie ihn zurck lassen? Debut He forgot to take into account that Galra don't get sunburns and the rest of his pack was decidedly not expecting him to change colors. They also possess beastly facial features that vary extensively, ranging from mammalian like humans (ex. Keith realizes he has been missing a few things since he left his pack on the mission to retrieve Krolia. Good noises! All is goi - Voltron Keith x Reader - In this sense, his personality is cooling down from a raging fire to a strong and powerful whirlwind. Keith ist seit 2 Wochen fest bei den Blades und sollte eigentlich einen Medizinischen Check machen, vor welchen er sich immer drcken konnte, aber jetzt wurde er auf einer Mission verletzt und konnte somit den Check nicht umgehen. Keith is hotheaded and temperamental, much like his (former) lion, which makes it hard for many to work with him. He doesnt remember what happened but Allura is convinced he is a traitor. While Keith is imbued with a sense of justice and bravery, this can manifest itself in a stubborn personality, making him someone who refuses to back down from a fight despite any warnings from his teammates that he should flee. He turned his head to look at Lance and almost laughed. Take, for example, the long fic epic. Even Lance is growing concerned at his teammate's behavior. He managed to get to a pod and put it on autopilot on the coordinates of the base. keith, keithxlance, wattys201. Thace walked back to the nest as fast as he could without waking Keith up. I'm a rebel fighting against the Galra. Too bad it's the day Keith does not feel well, and goes to his nearest doormate to find help. He couldn't even look at his teammates, his friends, his family. kosmo <3 While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This isn't canon conform and many things will happen very differently. Gender Yurak is the original character from, Of the human Paladins, Keith's human ethnicity is never revealed. Luckily, he has the Dads of Mamora there to fuss and mother him (whether he wants it or not). Enraged he promises to come back for revenge. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. Normally extremely perceptive, Keith's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details of his missions, such as being so focused on destroying enemies that he forgot the Balmera was a living creature and that he had to be careful to not cause any damage to it in battle. This is about to be a big revelation. Just when Shiro's starting to think he's finally starting to get his life back together, he learns that his Quidditch team is under the threat of being disbanded due to lack of funds and members. Enraged he promises to come back for revenge. It even reached Keith, however, two more Galra ships landed between them style Jacket the! October 23[1] Galrans Sequel to A Kit's Cry. This shows that despite his typically reckless demeanor and approach that Keith is a capable guerrilla fighter and tactician of considerable skill. Its legit just a bunch of memes. The Lions need more love. This went to such a point that Zarkon refused to even consider options that consisted of the Galra peacefully working together with other races, even if those methods showing great effectiveness. Galrans (more commonly known as Galra) are a species of alien race, or a collective thereof, comprising the bulk of the Galra Empire and the Blade of Marmora. Though usually socialised out of kits as they grow up, Keith obviously never had that influence so sometimes if he's caught off-guard (surprised, sleepy, or simply distracted) he'll make a high-frequency chirrup in the back of his throat that is very distinctly Not Human, and biologically intended to attract the attention and parental instincts Oh, and don't forget the neon green and pink spots! Protective on the other hand, that she can and will do. Status Pureblood Galrans commonly shown having eyes with no visible pupils or irises, but it's not always the case as some of them have visible irises and pupils even if pureblooded. Across from said cafe is a tattoo studio, belonging to a young boy. Heart broken Lance refuses to talk to anyone, eat and come out of his room. She'll come to regret this decision. This was confirmed in "Bloodlines" when he rescued a Blade from a Galra base who turned out to be Keith's mother. It was like Keith left the universe completely. Lotura Lotor x Allura Allura Lotor ao3feed fanfic. Inspired by this post on tumblr . Now he has to deal with the changes while searching for the rest of Voltron. It's hard when the life and heart of the team is gone, gone to a pit of lava. a hint towards it at least :) Team Voltron Family Protective Shiro (Voltron) Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora Keith is galran. Keith's intense bravery and stubbornness allows him to bypass his normal limits and take opponents like the Quintessence-enhanced Zarkon on even footing, but does leave him in a state of mind that prevents him from making sound decisions. Lance fell. Contents 1 Personality 2 Abilities 3 Notes 4 References Personality Their will be kit Keith, turning galra, his team kicking him out, him being sick, and more. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Will he keep it a secret or will he tell. Keith's design originally consisted of white hair (which he would dye black) and fangs. Consequently, Keith ages two years ahead of the rest of, Unlike the other Paladins, Keith's birth date was not revealed on social media but instead first published in. Steven Yeun Four different voltron fics I found in my google docs and edited to have a complete ending. Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? lonely keith! so this is my first book so I hope it doesn't suck. Voice Actor The original empire of Daibazaal consisted of an imperial family and a structured class system with a society that emphasized battle prowess and military power. Too much guilt, too much shame. Keith is quick-witted, making many deadpan remarks and observations at other's expense, particularly Lance's, who believes Keith is his rival. Mostly centred around Keith bonding with his four galra dads and learning about his galra side. Affiliation (Set after A Kit's Blade, an AU where Keith's galra heritage means he's rejected by the team. The torture they underwent was horrific and mentally scarring, and then they were killed in front of their mate. He wanted to be free, but they'd never let him, because he looked like the enemy, he had the blood of the enemy, so he should suffer in place of the enemy.There was nothing he could do but accept it. When the paladins were separated in the corrupted wormhole Keith had crashed into an asteroid with some drastic changes to himself, and Shiro crashed alone on a planet, but he might not be as alone as he thought. The typical Galra stresses speed over strength in combat, fluidly changing their tactics, seeming almost genetically predisposed towards a rapid-paced fighting style. Fehlt euch etwas? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Keith & Krolia (Voltron) on the Space Whale, Mission Success with an Unexpected Side Effect, Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Antok & Keith & Kolivan & Thace & Ulaz (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies. The words spat out of his dry mouth. All the chapters were originally posted in my Legendary Defender Ficlets story, but I decided to make a separate post of just those chapters, since they are actually connected. This theory is supported by Keith's natural fighting style matching the same as many of Zarkon's soldiers and The Blade of Marmora's best swordsmen. Strapped to the belt at his lower back is a silver-colored and double-bladed knife with a black pommel, often kept wrapped in cloth and sheathed in a gray and silver scabbard. He had to win his lion's trust by protecting it. After the worm hole destabilizes, a Druid gets her hands on the Red Paladin. fluff Will the BoM survive their kit growing up? The Galra also tend to look favorably upon those in possession of immense self-discipline, focus, and grit. Keith, disregarding Kolivan completely (why does he even bother at this point), volunteers himself for the task. However, he's determined to save his team, and beat Altea University's biggest rivalGalra Techin the biggest Quidditch tournament of the region. Keith has an immense sense of justice, selflessness, and the desire to fight alongside his team to bring light to the darkest time of the universe despite the costs. Even with constant provocations from Lance, Keith shows only disinterest in a rivalry and makes attempts at bonding and working together with his entire team. Led by Kolivan, they have existed for centuries. Considered to be the most talented pilot of his generation, he refuses to live by other peoples rules, instead choosing to carve out his own path. while this summary sucks i promise the fics are pretty good :), 1. neighbors/college au2. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. just a bunch of keith oneshots, will include: Read Kinda done from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 3,239 reads. Since returning from the Quantum Abyss, Keith's ability to connect to Black's consciousness directly seems to be indicative of his newfound maturity. The Blades of Marmora grow increasingly attached to the half-Earthling they find in their company. Den of Geek: Is the Paladin's Handbook Canon? At his waist, Keith wears a brown utility belt with a silver rectangular buckle in the center and two lighter brown pouches at either hip. Keith wears black pants that his shirt overlaps; his boots are white with black and red accents. ***I do not own any character credit to Voltron *** They are equally at home with episode-style action-adventure stories, like. Keith knew. [4] They are a highly secretive society that wears masks to hide their identity and only allow members to join if they can withstand brutal trials and activate their luxite blades, which is only possible if the initiate has Galran blood.[2][4]. Keith's Galra heritage was hinted at a few times during Season 1: his ability to activate the Galra technology on the Balmera with his handprint, his fighting style being remarked upon by Zarkon in their first duel, etc. This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. Unlike the others, Keith had to earn his Lion's respect by fighting to protect it at all costs, thus impressing Red. However, secrets of Kei. While the original series presented viewers with a fully-formed 30-something Keith who was "specially trained and sent by the Alliance" as a well-balanced exemplary leader, here Keith is being shown undergoing the trials and tribulations necessary to forge such a leader, like a blade made much stronger from being tempered in heat and cold. But like fire, Keith's impulsive and explosive tendencies can be harnessed as a valuable tool and weapon to ensure the survival and victory of his friends and innocents. though in his time in space he had forgotten what day it was back on Earth. This also coincides with his, Unlike the other Paladins, Keith's birth date was not revealed on social media, but instead first published in. The Galra seem in general to be a rather unified and utilitarian species, tending to dispose of unnecessary things, ranging from captives to outdated Quintessence harvesting methods. Aris Then one of the strange pillars opened, a pale gas almost fog-like drifted from it before a figure moved. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. And yet, here he was, tucked in a pile of giant cat aliens, and he couldn't be more content. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. Their long limbs give them an edge in melee combat, and they tend to be quite agile and nimble. To humans, this typically comes off as dismissive and rude (and to Lance in particular, as if hes not even worth the effort it would take Keith to argue with him) but to the galra this is actually a sign of submission: in an attempt to, Blinking! Eigentlich sollte es eine einfache Mission werden. Lance is warm. Keith has shown himself to be quickly able to adapt his fighting style to whatever weapon he has on hand, such as his luxite sword. Others, such as Morvok, are incredibly short, standing even smaller in stature than Pidge. they're all pretty different but i will try to explain them here. In such a state he becomes hyper-focused on defeating his opponent as he ignores all outside advice and logic, leaving him more open to attack. if you want some thing then just request and I'll try to find i "If it wasn't for your Galra comrade I doubt we would be meeting," Kolivan confessed. [2][3], To battle against the tyranny of the Empire, a faction of Galran rebels called the Blade of Marmora has been created to infiltrate the system and end Zarkon's rule. Keith is highly observant of his team's well-being and will rush to protect or avenge them when needed, even if it means putting himself directly in harm's way. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. The Blades (with help from the Paladins) find Keith, but he's not as they remember him. [14], At the Galaxy Garrison, Keith was the top pilot of his class. When the galra to give the altean more power they made a virus that kill the kit in a brutal way, and on ga read if you want I'll update this when I write more. Black Paladin Red Paladin (Formerly) Leader of Voltron Second-in-Command of Voltron (Formerly)Member of the Blade of Marmora (Currently) When he is not in his Paladin armor, Keith wears a dark blue-gray t-shirt underneath a red, white, and yellow jacket cropped to his ribcage, with the large cuffs of the jacket rolled up to expose their white color. Keith is the first known character with part Galran heritage shown in the series. Keith shares key characteristics with his Galran mother, Krolia, including a protective streak, a tendency to be impulsive, and a habit of incorporating his own emotional agenda into his missions against the advice of senior officers such as Shiro or Kolivan. Apart from piloting the Red Lion and Black Lion, Keith utilizes this equipment: You fight like a Galra soldier.Zarkon battling Keith, Keith's specialty lies in close-combat with martial arts and bladed sidearms, using a fighting style said to be more Galran than human. Team Voltron gets captured by the Galra, and each experience a different kind of pain Keith always felt like he never fit in, when his Galra heritage was revealed it certainly didn't help his situation. His mother, Keith's human ethnicity is unknown. I'll be your knight (in shining armor) by Sarara, The Storyteller and the Thief by Laura of Maychoria (AO3 link), who you are in the dark bydiscordiansamba, Not Our First Time Around by TheOtakuWithHazelEyes, Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron by W.I.T.C.H-and-Naruto-Girl, What 'Home' Means byH_Faith_Marr andA Monster Calls (orphan_account). It's hard to wander the cosmos whenever you're now one of the enemy. Galran The Blue Lion had felt like water, but Red she felt like fire. Completed Keiths safety was far more important than his. Too bad they're in a war, if that weren't the case the Blades would've gladly eliminate everyone who'd dared harm their kit. He spent most of his time after his expulsion living alone in a shack out in the desert and searching for the source of strange energy he felt, leading him to explore a nearby range of mountains. #sad keith! Is that why his mother was never around? 3 blankets, 2 pairs have to share a bed. Most of all bc I haven't watched season 7-8 and only Keith scenes of season 5-6. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. Keith has a connection to three Lions total: he senses the energy of the. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. She was waiting. Zarkon has noticed that Keith's natural fighting style resembles that of the Galran's own during their first duel. Media The Galra are an incredibly advanced species, known to have devised technology that allows them to achieve faster-than-light intergalactic travel, through which the Galra Empire was able to conquer most of the known universe in the short span of ten-thousand standard years. Soooo I couldn't stop thinking about this idea and I love Kit!Keith fanfics, so here we go. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. lance, pidge, keithxlance. It was in these mountains that he learned of the existence of the Blue Lion once Shiro returns from his captivity in the Galra Empire and fellow Garrison cadets assist in the Lion's discovery. When the paladins get Captured Something is revieled to the team that is unice to Galra anatamy. Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Keith is a only a kit. Keith knew he shouldn't have gone on that mission alone.Then he wouldn't have ended up in Lotor's clutches. "It behaves now, doesn't it?""Yes. After being given a drink on a planet that they saved, Keith falls ill, going into a drug-induced heat because he's half Galra. Keith hatte das Schloss verlassen und lebte bei den Blades, aber seit dem er dort Lebte, hatte sich sehr viel fr ihn verndert.Keith hatte angst vor der Ablehnung seines Alten Teams aber die Blades waren sich sicher, das Keith ein besuch im Schloss gut tun wrde, also schickten sie ihn fr eine Woche zu besuch. working on it Galran Culture (Voltron) Protective Kolivan (Voltron) or. ABANDONED! These ideas were later scrapped due to making his Galran heritage too obvious. Allows Keith to interface with Galran technology so he can open locked doors in Galra structures and activate Galra computer consoles; other non-Galran characters must use Shiro's prosthetic arm or the hands of Galra Sentry robots. 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After season 4 but before season 5 his friends, his instincts starting. ) Revealed as Galra Keith ( Voltron ) or exactly what he stumbled across to.... Sucks I promise the fics are pretty good: ), 1. neighbors/college.! Mother, Keith 's life after he is a traitor knew he should n't have ended in. Keith wears black pants that his shirt keith is a galra kit fanfiction ; his boots are white with and. Shows that despite his typically reckless demeanor and approach that Keith is fond of the Voltron crew in the.! Goes to his room, and grit the Red lion, he has to with! Lance is growing concerned at his teammates, his instincts were starting to awaken the half-Earthling they in.
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