It was the month of July and the temperature was very high. God is like a neutron in an atom. We planned to pour this icy cold water on any fellow student who entered first in the classroom. My philosophy of life has been constructing since I was a child and it continues improving. I strongly believe that I will follow my way by the end of my life and will never be distracted by anything. Keep working towards your dream and don't get worried about the way life is moving, time ll answer you. Taxation Without Representation In the Capital of America. 11 Personal Philosophy Examples 1. These questions dive right into the heart of the philosophical, psychological, and the biological aspects of life and what the true meaning of life is. Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? Why do certain things happen? These values include family, friendship, moral, love, education, optimist, happiness, and purpose. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report, My Philosophy of Life Essay (1009 words). I tried to understand who I am and who I need to be. Philosophy continues further and attempts to give us logical explanations. Good people also tend to take the high road and be the bigger person in an argument. Ive molded my own opinions. Does it mean be nice, make good decisions, and do what you're told? I think its safe to say that no one wants to welcome things that cause us pain but the truth is that pain is inevitable, it is a part of life, and without pain we cannot learn and grow. If it's really important, try to explore and know about it. Topic (Biographical Essay): We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations, and accomplished your academic successes. In other words, how our grey matter changes during our teenage years may impact how we feel and behave. Being a devoted student, I have developed a routine of getting up early in the morning, going to school following all the school rules, and coming home in the evening. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. My life as a teenager in Colonial America would have been different from my life as a teenager in America today. My. For a son or daughter you have to help your parents' cook, clean, and do chore around the house and get ready to go to school again. It's a big oceanyou will end up writing a book of at least 100 pages. As we live our everyday lives peacefully, we tend not to think what our mission or purpose in life is. What makes life meaningful? Circumstances like these happen more often than you may think the idea of responsibility could. All in all, a good life is fulfilled when the satisfying achievements made for oneself outweigh the negativity created by that same self. The teenage brain is a good place to start. Whenever I get the opportunity I bring God into the subject to try to show every one what a loving and caring father he his no matter how many mistakes you've made. The mood swings and stress you experience as you go through puberty can shape your brain to determine the person you will become. We just keep on moving from the art room to music class and back to the general class. the BBC's "Rip Off Britain : Holidays") and I notice how the programmes cover recurring themes, be it travel insurance, airport car parking, or bogus scamming websites of one sort or an. The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with believing in final success. Complimenting also helps a lot, so be liberal with your praises. Never assume something. I am young, but my mind and opinions of life was born in the past. I felt like a student who is wondering what classes to choose for his study. It gives me the opportunity to improve how I can analyze and evaluate a situation or an idea, as well as, enhance my reasoning and critical skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, proper judgement and decision making. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. However, after taking this course I have realized that science can only take their answers just so far. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. His proposed issue with humanity is that we often forget these simple lessons. She takes a nap A. at noon B. at night C. early in the morning, for you what is the role of globalization communication? Family Many scientists who study modern, Introduction {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How To Write An Essay About Your Life As A Student? Introduction. These values include family, friendship, moral, love, education, optimist, happiness, and purpose. We are one Nation under God and I believe that's our responsibility to keep it that way. In other words how do you "translate" what life is? The chemicals and such that are involved will always react the same way it will produce heat. There are valuable lessons in success and failure. Spend more time with family and friends. Thats because our teenage years are a time of rapid change. My generation has evolved more than any generation has in years. People could not live without thinking, and they ask for the explanations by the instinct. Keep stretching and challenging yourself. call it a philosophy of life, if you will. What I say is the truth. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. you've got me excited about something, so don't let a fellow teenager down! 5. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best cite it correctly. From the moment I was brought, According to Marriam-Webster, the definition of worldview is a way someone thinks about the world. As everybody has a unique view on the world, their views of the universe can range from joyfulness or sadness depending on how he/she perceives the events in life. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others. Advertisement Still have questions? This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. My class usually begins at 10.30 am in the morning, since I live far from school so I take a bus to reach school. So even though I'm still a student right now, I need to enjoy the process and my journey. This line of research is only just beginning, but the researchers said their results imply large individual variations in personality traits may partly be related to cortical maturation across adolescence. My friends and I like to sit in the front seat. The boys showed temporary dips in conscientiousness their orderliness and self-discipline in early adolescence, and the girls showed a temporaryincrease in neuroticism (or greater emotional instability). They give you a free prescription every time you come to there office. Hows your life in sti 1000 words i need this to day, how will the revision of the k-12 curriculum affect the academic performance of students. Please note that while we value your input, we cannot respond to every message. I remember our farewell party while we were in college. I really enjoy the effort put in. Of course, these are long-term studies that look at average personality changes among teenagers. How is one to progressively work with their peers? It's easy to advise but difficult to follow. Parents should sometimes allow students to make their own decisions, its an important factor in their growth and can improve decision-making skills. I believe that life is too short to waste on negativity. Love your parents and siblings. We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. Dont Please note that while we value your input, we cannot respond to every message. Many important things could not be explained only by the laws of nature, but they are based on the deep feelings and the beliefs that people have. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined - life is different for us all. There are some issues that science is unable to explain, like the existence of God. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that equivalent benefit. Parents, as a whole, see their children as becoming less nice. This is hard to do when rose in a world where music is religion, and religion is a fan club. As a student, I always learn more for seeing, touching, and experiencing things but we are only burdened by book knowledge. Therefore, this essay will explain Russells work and the point of his argument. I believe, that man should develop himself, every time try to experience something new and always use an opportunity to increase his knowledge in order to be conscious and intelligent. We need more idealist in the world, I feel it would make the world a much better place if more people showed the kindness, Having confidence help us to live the life without conflict. I just would like to know people opinion on it before i start really putting allot of effort in it. It is in the secondary refection in which we try to answer. Some teachers make school very exciting. The classes begin with prayers followed by the national anthem on Mondays and Fridays. There is no way around it. The list of my questions never ended, and I am not sure it is closed now. If you look up the definition for laugh in a dictionary, it would say to make sounds from the throat while breathing out in short bursts or gasps as a way of expressing amusement. Laughter is much more than that. I love weekends more than weekdays because I have enough free time to engage in some fun activities like going out with my friends or attending any social event. Learn more about the material about the philosophy of life :, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Do you like these sample essays about My Life As A Student? Instead, we think what we must do for that to be a successful person. All images featuredcourtesy of David Motosa. Respect, be responsible. For instance, theres evidence from a year-long 2013 Swiss study that teenagers positive sense of identity specifically feeling able to act authentic; feeling in control of their life; and knowing what is expected of them is associated with positive developments in personality over time including greater emotional stability and conscientiousness. While enjoying our day at the farewell party we were all getting drained by the scorching heat from the sun. It is hard, harder than you can imagine. example.. The constant load of studies, never-ending writing assignments, and struggle to compete to get good grades is no fun to me at all. Instead of complaining, appreciate life. Several studies reveal that advantageous traits temporarily decrease during teenage years (Credit: David Montosa). Laughter truly is the most effective and side effect free medicine in the world. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! We went out of the campus and bought a bucket and some ice. I dont know where I will be after ten years but I dont think that I can let go of all my college friends who have been together with me for all these years. The general picture of the teenage years as a temporary personality disruption therefore seems accurate (and besides, in the German research, the teens and their parents agreed that agreeableness had declined, they just disagreed by how much). Nobody wants to live only under the total control and blindly do what others demand to. It is like a cure for cancer or an umbrella in the rain. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. My life philosophy as a student is "Enjoy every process and do it as best I can.". It is a people-oriented approach, hence focuses on the people (Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2003). Advertisement New questions in Biology True or false for both questions if false whats the correct answer Advertisement Leadership qualities that have impacted me the most are being present, a good listener, enforces policy and holds others accountable to that policy, and can get answers for others from using resources. to help you write a unique paper. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. I like this opinion of yours; I fully agree with your opinon and your philosophy on on life.. We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. The critical finding was that higher scorers on conscientiousness showed a greater rate of cortical thinning in several brain regions (a sign of more efficient pruning of grey matter and greater maturity). Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. Now I receive the problems as the lessons from God and try to teach something I was supposed to take from these lessons. Therefore, smile all the time, pretty soon the whole planet will wear a happy grin. People say that student life is the most memorable part of their lives but as a teenage college student, I dont agree with it. They can stand against any difficulty and still find the reason to be happy. Also, the teens saw themselves as increasingly extroverted, but their parents saw them as increasingly introverted. Many philosophers believe that they know what a good life is, what it consists of and how the good life can be reached. I have come to agree with Socrates that the. The imagination of treating the ailing persons has charmed me since my childhood. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Philosophy is a Greek word that is often translated as the love of wisdom. In other words, philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what. In summary, I personally think that life is simply what you make of it and each persons accomplishments has its own merit. Generally, they will work to meet important deadlines and be helpful when they can. No worries in what tomorrow brings, and no memory of the mistakes of the past. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. On a personal level, we have to take care of ourselves and stay healthy and happy individuals. Continuing this idea, I should say that my happiness effect all the aspects of my life. This is one of the best articles I've ever read! Not only does the responsibility I have affect me, it also affects other people and possible their responsibility. The teenage years can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood of an individual between the age of 13 and 19. What is the purpose of life? Explanation: My philosophy of life is "life is not about finding yourself It is about creating yourself " . Here is my brief description about philosophy of life : All children who are in the period of being students are studying and going to school, not just going to school and sitting on the bench. We shouldnt judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. In one study, boys showed temporary dips in conscientiousness in early adolescence (Credit: David Montosa). Not only does it support a fixed mindset, but it also stops and . Compliment others: Compliment increases a self importance and desire to work better. Physically disabled students should also be given an equal chance to get a proper education. What is the meaning of life? Family is one of my top values and something I hold dear in my life. The true happiness is hidden inside me, and it could not be shaken by the outer world. We have no knowledge of the weve stepped in. What is the purpose of life? If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called If You Only Read 6 Things This Week. If u don't do what u love u should love what you do. These stories remind us of the beautiful memories we had in school and college life and everyone just wishes to go back in time to relive them. Despite this way of thinking, just think for a second. My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. I am sure that I was not the only child with such specific curiosity. Retrieved from, Human Nature Persuasive Essay (4235 words), Minds Are Opened Only When Hearts Are Opened Argumentative Essay. We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. I have obtained three theories on three different subjects which tie into each other they are Social, Religion, and Expectations. Philosophy In Life "Don't regret on anything you do and your past because at the end, it makes who you are.". They have respect, a very key aspect, and get the job done without the expense or burden of others. Similarly, higher scorers in emotional stability showed more advanced cortical thinning. Nowadays, lots of people are dependent on the others point of view and forget to be themselves. Whether you are from India, France, or Germany, you smile in the same language. 6. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. To do this I try to learn from my mistakes, treat others the way I want to be treated. the roots of our personality can be traced all the way back to infancy, a 2017 study of over 2,700 German teenagers, including a pruning of excess grey matter. Never do anything for money. Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Good people take care of themselves and their friends and try to make personal relationships a priority. means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with. Because of my high moral standards and responsibility, I hope that I will be known as a respectful and respected man. They are good friends to others and try to treat everyone with respect. I still have always something I want to find the answer to. Philosophy of life is an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life (Merriam Webster). There are no failures just results to learn from. 2,597 months breathing. Here are my tips to improve your life as a teenager and how to be a better person as a teenager: 1. There is only one God and one religion (earthlings). Don't compel anyone! Kids my age are interested in social life Facebook, Partying and having a good time. Personality stability increases once again from late adolescence into adulthood. We are not just rational creatures, we also have a soul, and this soul has the right to be taken into consideration. I found out the most important thing for me is my mission of the life. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. Due to my mother's death, an increasing amount of work was to be done to protect our future. Thank God I live in the democratic country and have the right to think. I usually have no time to play, rest, or relax because I am always busy with studies, tuition, and everything else."}]}]}. Society as a whole is just a larger community. They try to succeed and take their work very seriously. Mr. Mark Anthony T. Victor Subject Teacher I. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. Idealists live for the smaller things in life. Never hurt people who don't deserve it, cos they may end up having the worst day! To install StudyMoose App tap Uses real-life scenarios to demonstrate how Aristotelian logic can be used to combat everyday maladies like guilt, loneliness, grief, anger, social anxiety, and depression . Being a student is all about studies, school life requires hard work and discipline, but it can also be fun. I'm stuck in a generation I was not. I will be describing in this essay my . Laugh your heart out, think optimistically, and dont forget to smile. My philosophy of life has been constructing since I was a child and it continues improving. My Family, Values, And My Philosophy Of Life. The volunteers also recorded any experiences of stress or adversity through their teenage years. This doesn't mean that u should do what they want u to do. My fathers dedication to his patients and his hardworking nature, A They are not the main dish. Find more answers This type of group-level data masks the amount of individual variation from one teenager to another. Leaving my generation stuck in the middle. Procrastination is an enemy of the positive thinking, rather just keeping in mind lets practice in our real life talking with the people about positive thinking and its impact on everyday life., Self-compassion works in life because this is a way of encouraging and motivating yourself to do things better. Its clear that many types of stress come with the territory of being a teenager. 1077 Words5 Pages. Within our communities, we look out for each other, help our neighborhoods when needed, respect each other, love each other, and thats what societies should be about. Thinking about that, I found out that my attitude to the problems is rather changing. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes: Clearly, our students today are narcissistic, but they also demonstrate an eagerness to engage in philosophy as a "spiritual exercise." Over the past eight years I have tried to develop an introductory course which capitalizes on the current student profile and which re-presents philosophy to the students in its original vocation: as guide from the world of confusion and deception to the world of truth. It is not about living blindly and following where the wind is blowing. Leaders, who go the extra mile and show compassion in their subordinates, are the ones I admire and can relate to. I have obtained my own philosophy on life. Example: As an athlete your responsibility is to come to practice, practice hard, develop skill, and win games. Briefly, it involved living the way philosophers live, according to a set of principles. Idealists are the types of people that are willing to do anything to help someone in need. This is why I like the scientific method. It really inspired me to go for what I've always wanted to do, i think its fantastic and you should continue writing your book. Obtained three theories on three different subjects which tie into each other they are not main. The choices they make, because we all make bad decisions and never... Life certainly has meaning Colonial America would have been different from my life as a is... Of it and each persons accomplishments has its own merit to Marriam-Webster, the definition of worldview a... Each persons accomplishments has its own merit we have no knowledge of the mistakes of weve... Mean be nice, make good decisions, and they ask for the they. 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