I really try hard not to let my learning disability get in the way because one of my goals is to prove to people that just because you dont process information as quickly as others, and because you have a very specific way of learning things doesnt mean you are a bad person and you can achieve your goals. My administrators were always talking about integrating disciplines, and I am sure this unit would have made them happy. This class has definitely made me more open to using the resources on the internet in the classroom. Can a virus get on your computer if you have up-to-date virus protection? Our last day of the school year, three months and a week after we went virtual, brought a strange sadness. I like how fast it is, and how it will print an answer key. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used. Read more from this blog. This is because the protg effect means that shared reflective learning can help not only the person who is reflecting, but also those who help them do it. Similarly, another study found that reflective learning helped students process the learning material and link it to material that theyve encountered previously. The tech and learning site contains all sorts of teaching tools that seem very useful. This web site described a reading pen, which allowed students to scan words and have them read aloud. Students know exactly where they need to end up, and there are hundreds of ways they could get there. . Are there any changes that I can make to my learning process to make it better for me? When done as a shared activity, reflective learning can take many forms. So when I began reading Module 4 and saw the description of Backward Design, it was intriguing and something that I filed in my memory for later use. I avoided playing games on my cell phone. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education) offers grants and has detailed explanations on what they are looking for in their applications. Alternatively, in other cases, you might want to engage in slower and deeper reflection, by writing down all the key topics that youve learned about, and going over this list to identify areas that you dont understand well. I would use it more in my music appreciation class, but it could be tweaked for use in all of my music classes. But both the racial disparities in Covid-19 deaths and the protests and rallies for racial justice reveal that access to basic privilegesto be healthy, to liveremains unequal. I typed words into the generator, but when the game was displayed all of the tiles were blank??? This can cause stress and thats why it 's important to plan ahead and have your time manage. Inquiry based learning is great because it gives students a clear direction. These self-learning modules are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Students are encouraged to work on various activities that are interesting and challenging to maintain focus . I wandered onto the coloring pages of this site and found a lot of really good educational pages. This class has given me a lot of options and ways to integrate technology in my classroom. I witnessed firsthand how the technically advanced teachers were called into their coworkers rooms for technical advice and instructions. I especially liked the music instrument files because I can use them in my music classes. Templates let us get the job done faster and more efficiently. Upon some internet research, I could not find evidence that the state of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools or libraries. Teachers are under a great deal of stress because of the new implementation of modular distance learning modality. It is always helpful to go over the basics with students, and a lot of times we use abbreviations that we do not know what they stand for, or we dont know the names of parts of the computer that we easily use. This lesson plan utilizes an important technology skill- email. 5. Looking at the web site address and if there is an author listed is the first thing someone should do when visiting a site. I think it is awesome that there is access to health care and mental health services right on the school campuses. This site is cool because it links to different sound files. Explain why reflective learning can be beneficial. By accomplishing all this you will have a very organized day with very minor stress. I always wonder if my desire to help my students will keep me from giving the firm speech that propelled me into the career path I have chosen. Students will record their own voice reciting the report using multi-track digital audio software. One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . How?Yes, although it is more difficult for you to get a virus if your protection is up-to-date. I have always used an active virus protection so have not had any bad experiences with viruses on my computer. I also had access to a computer connected to an overhead projector, which was shared with other teachers. I like this site because a teacher can take data from anything and turn it into a graph. Looping is done in a sense in the music world a little more than other areas. I also got to see how the kindergarten teacher integrated the smart board into her daily routines. There is so much music that is illegally downloaded and students need to know that it is a crime and does have consequences. My two years of teaching were very isolated and frustrating. The four study strategies that I found to be the most important and helpful to me academically were making a weekly schedule for time management, learning more about the SQ4R reading system for better annotations, learning all the different choices I have for note-taking and which one works best for me (two-column), and learning the SAVE CRIB FOTO acronym and what it means for better studying that is more personalized than just reading notes., Although I have a habit of checking my Facebook and instagram frequently, this week I tried keeping this minimum and prioritized my study first. The high school I attended (located in PA) had senior projects instead of testing. Provide opportunities for self-reflection and meaning-making. instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. I found the section of the text entitled Urban Academy interesting because of the experience I have had with exit testing in my school. My other concern would be how the filtering software at the school would affect some of the resources I would like to use, such as online notation programs. It can be printed/digitized format/electronic copy that is appropriate to learners, and other learning resources like learners . These images and video clips can be integrated into a science or math lesson, or used as a writing prompt or ideas for a research paper. They dont really relate to music, but the ecosystems page was interesting. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. Many of the household items we use and by have boxtops on them. This can happen, for example, if you make the reflection feel like a pointless exercise, if you push learners to share information that they dont feel comfortable giving, or if you force learners to use reflection techniques that dont work well for them. I could use this idea in my music class by having students create a story based on a classical piece of music. What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? There was nothing wrong with the way the students were learning prior to the smart board, but their learning was enhanced and brought to a higher quality with the help of this piece of technology. http://www.ascapfoundation.org/grants.html. Patrick (Freshman) loves being creative and trying anything new in technology. However, potential distinctions between these terms are generally not important from a practical perspective, since they are unlikely to influence how the underlying concepts are implemented in practice. 3. Students could then choose a god that interests them to research and find an appropriate sound track that represents that god. Since I am a music person, I liked the frog songs page. Having a clear ending would benefit my teaching and help me to be more focused. I liked this site because there are many different spreadsheets to choose from. Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post. After reading about it, it makes total sense as to why it is beneficial. I used tools similar to this to create crosswords for my students in the past, and they are very helpful. Send your questions to [email protected]. Reflection about learning modular in new normal? Im always in constant verbal communication with my teachers, I can more easily express what accommodations I need, and I can get to know my teacher a lot better than if we were just communicating over a comment thread in Google Classroom or email. Student reflection on first week of Distance Learning . Those experiences compared to this year were less than pleasant, simply because at the time, I didnt know what I was doing, and I tended to overwork myself silly. I was not aware of all of the software available on the internet, especially for music. As a music teacher, I was never really concerned with meeting standards. Educating students is not the sole job of the teacher- it is a team effort of parents, teachers, and other adults actively involved in the students life. I have used them for a number of topics, including instruments, composers, and types of music. Teachers do not have time to invent every worksheet or handout or organizational tool. Its much more relaxed now, and I must say, its rather enjoyable. Other times, especially in my music appreciation class, I move quickly through different topics in order to cover as much material as possible. There are several things that you can reflect on: You can reflect on these things in various ways and to different degrees. I also found that the filter worked differently for teacher accounts versus student accounts. These publications would range from discipline in the classroom to effective teaching strategies to music specific strategies. I used it to go over instrument types. Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. This is the only time I really am the most effective and efficient. This site would be a good resource to use when studying music compositions. I feel that web site evaluation techniques are extremely important for students. It is definitely a skill they will use for the rest of their lives. However, we only got 3 classes in this semester and I already realised that there is still so much about educational . For this module I developed a lesson plan asking students what instruments they would choose for an orchestra. This is another site I have bookmarked for future reference. At the end of class, we waved goodbye and said, Thanks, and then one by one, my high school students clicked off, leaving me staring at my own face on the screen. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Although I would be teaching music, many of the writing resources would be helpful to me as well, because writing is not just for English class! Tekmom for students http://www.tekmom.com/search/ Wikipedia http://www.wikipedia.org/ Allmusic http://www.allmusic.com/. I have seen the removal of these items become the focus of school personnel, while I think the solution lies in how these items can further help students learn. Furthermore, if you do this, you can also ask yourself what all the techniques that work well for you have in common. It argues that diverse student groups of Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning. I think the students would learn some valuable information and that this would be a quality project to include in my music appreciation class. I especially liked the press conference and board game ideas, pertaining to famous composers. Now, we all had time, and our schools Diversity Alliance club (of which I am a co-advisor) held three open discussions, initiated and led by students. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Make-it-easier-to-focus-on-tasks. While we were learning from home, we were also alert to events outside our school that prompted students and teachers to engage in a deeper way than the previous flow of the school day provided. It would be very useful in the classroom when students must read material that is beyond their level. In 2008 libraries that do not have filtering software risked losing state funding. I found the html code confusing and wasnt quite sure how to use it. What did you like about it? It is my belief that more teacher prep programs should follow the footsteps of these programs. 2) Give constructive feedback and ensure constant interaction. First, school is over fast. I chose to write and perform a piece of music for mine. For example, this means that if you generally use reflective writing as a technique for promoting reflection, but someone feels much more comfortable engaging in reflection through sketching and drawing, then you should consider letting them do so, as long as its appropriate given the circumstances. 4) Make learning materials easy and accessible. The large (masked) gatherings to protest the death of George Floyd and centuries of institutionalized racism were the first time many of us left our homes in New Jersey. And by intentionally building documentation and structure into your process, you will create content that can easily be scaled, modified, adapted, and transformed . The model is given as below. Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. This core group of individuals is valuable to a teacher because it gives the teacher a support group and a feeling of support. This is why it is important to only click on links or downloads that you know are safe. In the future, if you could choose, would you want to do more online learning? Overall, there is no clear distinction between reflective practice and reflective learning, and these terms are sometimes used interchangeably. 1. I am extremely agreed that study skills are important and here I will discuss on how study skills can help students in their study., This gives me motivation to enjoy every class, since I know that it is another lesson that makes the lives of my students better. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. (This is the second post in a multipart series. Likewise, if this continues to happen, some parents and students tend to wait for the resumption of face-to-face teaching so they understand the lesson when there . I never really considered analyzing web sites a skill before. It was clear that technology cannot replace good teaching, it simply enhances it. After you have tried a study strategy at least three times, and you can clearly tell that it is still not helping much, then you can quit using it and try a different one that might suit your learning style and preferences better. For example, you can give students a worksheet a day after an important exam, which has questions that guide them through the reflective-learning process. Not really any fit into the music classroom itself, but there were some that I could use as a teacher. In Part One, five students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their reflections. I think it would be difficult to use if I wanted my students to take the quiz online, because from what I read they would have to copy and paste the code for the quiz I have created in order to access it. Early on, my students took attendance online by rating their mood, and when our district started allowing us to use video classes, I also checked in by sharing online puzzles to start class or putting students in Zoom breakout rooms with several classmates at random. It is harder because of my sister. It would be much easier to do so in a music appreciation class. The online mentoring program is something I would really like to look into and see what I could do in my music classes. Example Of Essay On My Reflection On E-Learning. Why do I feel that they are unhelpful? After the whirlwind and stress of the last few months, the end felt like a slow exhale instead of a bangor, as a student said, one of those balloons that float to the ceiling outside your grasp and then slowly deflate on their own. Mara (Freshman) loves to read and spend time with her friends. After contemplating whether or not to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with my freshmen this year, I decided to stick with the book and instead change how I taught it. How does it compare with your experience as a student in a physical classroom? Modular . I have picked up lots of ideas that I will most definitely by using in the future, and it has made me very excited . Not being in the pressurized environment of a classroom gives me the opportunity to learn at my own pace, whether that be faster or slower than the original classroom, and if clarification is needed, I can simply rewind the lecture videos my teachers are putting out, or send an email to my teacher quickly and efficiently. 2. Since I am not currently teaching, I will have to wait until my next job to see what that specific school looks like. Rich (Junior) is an all-around student, participating in sports; forensics; and is popular with others students and adults for his willingness to help others. Most of my classes are band and choir, but I would have the opportunity to play with integration in my music appreciation class. If so, then what should I ask about, and who is a good person to ask this? Students will import CD tracks and mix them into the multi-track session to create an audio history of the famous musician. Many students started their own online fundraisers for Covid-19 first responders, and others launched online actions to support Black Lives Matter. Today, the first three contributions come from students in Austin Greens 1st grade class in Utah. It would be possible to do so in band and choir, but it would be much more difficult since we are usually preparing for concerts. This is nice because in a school it is almost impossible to download programs to computers because of all of the logistics. Tristan Fitzgerald is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 6: Im doing good at online learning. I conclude by sharing the opinion of a student from my class. What should you do if you suspect you have a virus?Run your antivirus program ASAP. Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. Unpredictably, the structure of virtual school gave us more time to talk about connections in our lives and the structures that shape them, which created new affinities among us. This site has been added to my favorites folder. The text referred to teaching as a sink or swim profession, and that is so true! If not, why not? Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning | Edutopia Teaching Strategies Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning Experiences during remote learning inspire a teacher to reconsiderand refreshher curriculum for the fall. All other student commentators today work with Robert G Taylor, Ed.S., and Jon Harding at the Kansas State School for the Blind. Most of the information on this site I have already learned through experience. For our big assignment I had the students create power point presentations in the lab, researching their information on the internet. Gibbs (1988) modal of reflection consists of six stages to complete one cycle which is description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. 895 Words 4 Pages Better Essays Miss In this assignment I will be using the Gibbs model of reflection (1988). He has made it easy to understand the work I need to do. Modular learning can be in printed or digital format. It might be because certain study strategies are hard, some take up to much time, some do not seem to help much, or just because certain ones are annoying to some people. They are no longer learning without a goal or a purpose. If so, why? Every month I will read one publication that will help me become a better teacher. These tests were very high stress. When doing all this, you can use various questions to guide your reflection, as shown in the examples above, and the following are some specific questions that you might benefit from using: Keep in mind that its often more difficult to engage in reflective learning than it is to simply move forward without reflection, especially in the short term. It could be used as a reference in the classroom, for example if I were talking about different chords, I could use this site so that students can hear the difference. For example, a nursing student might engage in reflective learning when learning how to perform a certain procedure, whereas an experienced nurse might engage in reflective practice while performing the same procedure as part of their everyday routine. I did not have the support of a mentor and believe that having one would have made my time teaching less stressful and more beneficial to my students. 2023 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. I like that the information on the home page changes, so there will be new and current information as time progresses. I think it was much more interesting for the students this way. Which parts of the material do I understand well? Guide peoples reflection directly, for example by asking them questions that prompt them to think about their learning. Some of these changes or insights I hope to take with me into this coming school year, whatever that may look like. http://www.cknow.com/cms/vtutor/cknow-virus-tutorial.html. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers' questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Teachers had to sign up for time slots in advance. In these sorts of software, students work at their own level, so a larger range of students (from special needs, to gifted, and all those in between) would be able to participate successfully. http://www.good-ear.com/servlet/EarTrainer. It would be cool if they could compose a couple of measures, then beam it to another student to add a couple more, and so on, until an entire composition was created. 3) Incorporate technology for a maximized learning experience. The Chance to Redo Assignments, School Shootings This Year: How Many and Where, The Best Advice for New Teachers, in 5 Words or Less: 2023 Edition. When encouraging reflective learning in others, you should remember that the end goal is to help them develop their skills and improve their learning outcomes. This involves reviewing them on a monthly basis, at a bare minimum. My reflection to this thing is having modular in new normal is hard, because the lesson in module is not all in the internet. I spend lots of time at home. Some have died. Reflecting on their journals at the end of the trimester, students said that they noticed a shift in themselves from the initial shock and uncertainty to feelings of resignation or acceptance of their quarantined lives. The module provided detail Information In regards to the history and the organizations of the courts. I found the article by typing the phrase, pros of word processing into a Bing search engine.This information makes sense and should not be a surprise. and were due Fridays.. She put more emphasis on project-based learning.She understood that students would be more motivated to learn about topics they were personally interested in. It covers an extensive amount: intervals, chords, scales, etc. http://www.boxtops4education.com/Default.aspx. Both of these aspects are needed to be an effective instructor in any environment, however, the greatest challenge between these two categories is the ability to continue my own education., Its not surprising to me because growing up I knew I had problems with my learning habits. A Beginners Guide to Integrating Technology. And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. What has your online learning experience been as a student? As I write this, for the first quiet moment in a while, I have time to feel deeply sad for them. Reflection about the learning modules and simulation Chapter 8 This module was very Informative. If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Giving them the sort of programs that were described in the text is awesome and I think all schools should adopt some sort of approach like that. I like remote learning. The text examples show that excellence takes time, hard work, and patience. This web site is helpful because I have often caught myself breezing over some of the important parts of understanding. As such, in the following article you will learn more about reflective learning, and see how you can engage in it yourself, as well as how you can encourage others to engage in it. Incorporating spreadsheets in a music classroom is difficult, but with a little imagination it is possible. By the middle of their seventh grade year my students were very familiar with power point, so I was able to give them simple directions regarding the project and let them loose. For example, reflective learning can prompt students to generate helpful feedback that instructors can then use to improve their teaching, for instance by identifying areas where students require more thorough explanations, or by identifying teaching methods that need to be modified. About a month into the project, students asked if they could stop responding to the news and just write, and their entries became more personal. As such, you want to avoid the potential pitfalls of promoting reflective learning in an inappropriate manner. Students who did not pass the test, or part of the test, their junior year had an especially stressful time taking the test their senior year. Accordingly, when deciding whether and how to make reflective learning a shared activity, its important to consider the situation, and take any potential advantages and disadvantages into account. From what I saw, I think that it gives teachers a false sense of security. This would give them a better understanding of how graphs work. For example, how well you understand certain concepts. Using alternative assessments take longer than it would to grade a multiple choice test, and I think that the assessment methods that a teacher chooses to use can show a lot about the overall quality of their teaching. This site contains a wealth of information for someone just beginning to use technology in the classroom. As the months passed, their journals also became less tethered to the outside world and showed that time had taken on an elastic quality, stretching endlessly in some days or hours, contracting quickly in others. You can encourage and guide reflective learning by asking relevant questions, such as which parts of the material do I struggle with?, which learning techniques work well for me?, and is there anything I can do to make my learning process more effective?. All of your modules should be built as small, separate files. This web site was intriguing and something I bookmarked to look over more closely later. 10 April 2020 "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, and the willingness to learn is a choice" - Brian Herbert, well known American author. Reading information directed by the course professors is a great start but it is not the whole story and will rarely lead to a compelling case or any growth, it is because of this we must take more responsibility for our own. My experience with filtering software in schools was fairly limited. They give us ideas for things we probably would not have thought of on our own, and lets admit it, some of us just arent that creative! I used the classroom overhead projector when I talked about things like musical instruments ( I was able to have their picture and then play a short audio) and to show clips pertaining to the history of rock music. Those who achieve greatness have those three qualities mixed with vision. http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/fipse/index.html. The intent of this paper is to develop a greater understanding of the concept of modular learning as it applies to an . Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? You can send one to me at [email protected]. When you are done checking your email, make sure you log off. Changes, so there will my reflection about modular learning new and current information as time progresses classroom is difficult, but it be. Been added to my learning process to make it better for me god that interests them to think about learning! An active virus protection is a recognised framework for my reflection health right! Implementation of modular learning can be in printed or digital format about their learning am not teaching. Gives students a clear ending would benefit my teaching and help me become a teacher! 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